The last translations for Rodent Beta-2 (aka xffm-4.6.4) are now in, for a total of 99 languages.
Non English speaking users from Germany, Spain, France, Ukraine, Russia, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Brazil, Poland, Greece, Italy, Serbia, China, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan, Galicia, Cataluña, Denmark, Israel are practically fully covered.
The final statistics are as follows,
Over 90 percent:
de (99), es (99), cs (98), fr (98), nl (98), pl (98), sv (98), hu (97), pt_BR (97), fi (96), ja (96), tr (95), zh_TW (95), ru (94), gl (93), ca (92), da (92), el (91), he (91), it (90), sr (90), uk (90), zh_CN (90).
Between 80 and 89 percent:
bg (89), en_GB (89), ro (89), et (88), eu (86), pa (86), pt (86), hi (85), ko (85), ms (82), nb (82), sk (81), ar (80), gu (80).
Between 70 and 79 percent:
id (79), lt (79), sl (79), eo (78), vi (78), fa (77), ca@valencia (76), lv(76), bn (75), ta (75), th (75), ga (74), mr(74), nn(74), nds (73), sr@latin (73), hr(71), mk (71), af (70), ml (70).
Less than 70 percent: 43 languages.
Expect the release of Rodent Beta-2 in the next few days.
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
The last translations for Rodent Beta-2 (aka xffm-4.6.4) are now in, for a total of 99 languages.
Non English speaking users from Germany, Spain, France, Ukraine, Russia, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Brazil, Poland, Greece, Italy, Serbia, China, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Japan, Galicia, Cataluña, Denmark, Israel are practically fully covered.
The final statistics are as follows,
Over 90 percent:
de (99), es (99), cs (98), fr (98), nl (98), pl (98), sv (98), hu (97), pt_BR (97), fi (96), ja (96), tr (95), zh_TW (95), ru (94), gl (93), ca (92), da (92), el (91), he (91), it (90), sr (90), uk (90), zh_CN (90).
Between 80 and 89 percent:
bg (89), en_GB (89), ro (89), et (88), eu (86), pa (86), pt (86), hi (85), ko (85), ms (82), nb (82), sk (81), ar (80), gu (80).
Between 70 and 79 percent:
id (79), lt (79), sl (79), eo (78), vi (78), fa (77), ca@valencia (76), lv(76), bn (75), ta (75), th (75), ga (74), mr(74), nn(74), nds (73), sr@latin (73), hr(71), mk (71), af (70), ml (70).
Less than 70 percent: 43 languages.
Expect the release of Rodent Beta-2 in the next few days.