
self extract option for archive files (tar,bzip,zip,rar,....) doesn't work in rodent 5.3.12 (from GIT)

  • m.h3m4t1

    m.h3m4t1 - 2014-09-18

    I must say it is the best individual software of this decade.
    As always I enjoyed building rodent-app from the git and today I built it (librfm and libtubo too) from the git in my FreeBSD (x86_64 10-p7) box.
    the difference from before is my default shell is /bin/sh rather than bash.
    anyhow, in 5.3.10 (from git) I had a nice feature. whenever I clicked on an archive file rodent would extract the content of that file in a folder with the same name in the same directory.
    but now I click on the tar file and I get it opened with gvim and/or I click on a tar.gz file and I just see the list of its content scroling in the command line portion of rodent.
    some tar file is opened with gnuzip. it is a mess and I want that feature back.
    is it my problem or you removed that option in this new version.
    How could I get it back?

  • Edscott Wilson Garcia

    Nothing has changed with regard to the the action on click. The default action is defined in /usr/local/share/rfm/modules/mime-module.xml as follows

    <mime-key type="application/x-compressed-tar">
    <comment>Tar archive (gzip-compressed)</comment>
    <application command="gunzip" icon="application/package"/>
    <application command="tar -tzf" text="List files only" icon="application/package" force_diagnostics="1"/>
    <application command="tar -xzf" text="Extract files from the archive" output="1" icon="application/package"/>

    The first item takes preference.

    Nonetheless, the user can change the default action on click. You can do this in two ways.
    1. Right click on item to bring up popup menu; select the action to be used as default with CTRL-click. This will execute the selected option and define it as the new default.
    2. If the desired command is not in the popup menu, then right click on item to bring up popup menu; select open with and type out the command (you can use %s where you want to put the filename if not at the end of the command). After that, the command will appear in the popup menu and can be selected as default with step 1.

    These user defined commands are written out in $HOME/.config/rfm/user-applications.2

    text/x-tex:xterm -e pdflatex %s
    application/x-compressed-tar:tar -tzf %s
    application/x-compressed-tar:tar -xzf %s

    These applications will appear in popup menu and the last one for any particular mimetype will be the default action on click.

    So you can go ahead and erase $HOME/.config/rfm/user-applications.2 or redefine the default command to whatever you like.


  • m.h3m4t1

    m.h3m4t1 - 2014-09-20

    Hello again;
    I did what you suggested and it worked.
    Just for rar files with password i need a command tha tells rodent file manager to open a dialog window and ask for passwrod.
    I installed unrar and according to its man page I did "unrar x -kb %s" in open with section but I don't get password from me that way.
    PS: I also want each rar archive extracted in a folder with the same name.
    I also have this problem with encrypted zip files:
    unzip /home/h3m4ti/
    unzip: Encrypted file is unsupported.
    I know these question are not related to rodent in any shape or form but I though you could help. because I am at lost here


    Last edit: m.h3m4t1 2014-09-20
  • Edscott Wilson Garcia

    Both sudo and ssh require passwords and will be queried for by rodent. This is done by setting the environment variables SSH_ASKPASS and SUDO_ASKPASS. I don't see that unrar or unzip have the option to use a password query program, and setting the password on the command line is insecure and should not be used. The only suggestion I can make is to define the extraction commands to be executed in a terminal (checkbox in the openwith dialog). This way a terminal will open to prompt for the password.

    You may also want to request the unrar and unzip folk to enable UNRAR_ASKPASS and UNZIP_ASKPASS environment variables.


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