
Casio fx-9860G communication utility / News: Recent posts

xfer9860 0.2.1 is ready

Fresh today is a minor release of xfer9860. Thanks to feedback about issues with the 0.2 release, this release is much easier to get running.

* Cleaned up code to avoid compiler warnings
* Build script is updated for the newer SCons 1.*
* Build script links math library

Posted by Andreas Bertheussen 2008-10-16

xfer9860 0.2 released!

The new version is out, with experimental file download support and a few other functions like memory usage information and flash memory optimization.

Note that the build system now uses scons.

Posted by Andreas Bertheussen 2007-07-30

xfer9860 v0.1 released!

It is released, and there is currently support for sending files to the calculators built-in flash memory. Check it out if you own an fx-9860G, but run Linux, though any *nix os should work.

Posted by Andreas Bertheussen 2007-06-26