
#237 Automount devices in Xfe

automount (1)


First of all, this is not a ticket per se.

It is both a big 'thank you' for all the work you have put into this application, made available for free to the community and a question as to how to get Xfe to do something I need.

Lacking a mailing list to go and ask, I resort to posting it here.

I am in the process of putting together a small as possible live.iso to use in my Sun Ultra24 workstation. When needed, it is available for booting by selecting it via F8 from a USB drive plugged into a port on the motherboard.

Xfe is the ideal file manager to use as it ticks all the boxes, so to speak.

My Devuan ascii 2.0.0 installation works with four internal SAS drives, a DVD drive and four additional USB/FireWire ports, all of which I have to be to be available in Xfe to mount as needed via the live.iso.

The live.iso is tailored to serve solely as an on-board rescue drive which would be always available in case of trouble, which means it needs to be oblivious as to which drives are living inside the box when booted or the ID any of the USB/FireWire drives that could be plugged in at any time.

When I boot the live.iso and start Xfe, I need to see the on board drives and any USB/FireWire drive I plug in so I can mount any of them (with or without a password) to carry out the tasks at hand.

I have been searching for a way to do this but to no avail which is why I am posting here.

I'd be very obliged if you could point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance,



  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2021-03-14

    Ticket moved from /p/xfe/bugs/242/

  • Roland Baudin

    Roland Baudin - 2021-03-14

    Ticket moved from /p/texmaths/feature-requests/49/


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