Consider this xetex-lastnodetype.tex
A\showthe\lastnodetype %% 0 <-> char node \begingroup \font\x="[texgyrepagella-regular.otf]"\relax \x A\showthe\lastnodetype %% 9 <-> whatsit node??? \endgroup A\showthe\lastnodetype %% 0 <-> char node \bye
on running xetex xetex-lastnodetype
, following console output results
xetex xetex-lastnodetype This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX) (preloaded format=xetex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./xetex-lastnodetype.tex > 0. l.2 A\showthe\lastnodetype %% 0 <-> char node ? > 9. l.9 A\showthe\lastnodetype %% 9 <-> whatsit node??? ? > 0. l.13 A\showthe\lastnodetype %% 0 <-> char node ? [1] ) Output written on xetex-lastnodetype.pdf (1 page). Transcript written on xetex-lastnodetype.log.
The second \lastnodetype
is 9
, which is unexpected.
can only hold characters from 8-bit fonts; text from native fonts such as OpenType fonts are stored in either anative_word_node
or aglyph_node
, which are subtypes of thewhatsit_node
, distinguished by subtypes of 40 and 42, respectively. One would need a\lastnodesubtype
to identify those. That might be a desirable extension.