
XenAccess Library / News: Recent posts

XenAccess 0.4 Release

XenAccess is an memory introspection library for Xen. It allows you to run code in one virtual machine that can view the memory inside another virtual machine.

XenAccess 0.4 adds support for Windows virtual machines, PAE memory addressing, documentation, and a variety of bug fixes and API enhancements. The major changes in this release are listed below:

* support for Windows domains (tested with WinXP SP2)
* Xen version 3.0.3 is no longer supported
* new API calls for v2p translation and reading memory values
* support for pae memory addressing
* new example code (map-addr, map-symbol)
* expanded use of config file
* offsets must be included in config file
* improved debug output
* improved cache performance
* various bug fixes... read more

Posted by Bryan D. Payne 2007-12-11

XenAccess 0.3 Release

The XenAccess project is pleased to release version 0.3. This update adds HVM support, allowing for memory access of fully virtualized domains on VT-enabled hardware. In addition, many bug fixes have been made throughout the code and the project now has robust build environment. As always, feedback on the mailing list is welcome.

Posted by Bryan D. Payne 2007-01-02

XenAccess 0.2 Release

The XenAccess project is pleased to release version 0.2. This update adds caching to improve address translation speed. In addition, updates have been made to work against the latest stable version of Xen (3.0.2). As always, feedback on the mailing list is welcome.

Posted by Bryan D. Payne 2006-07-29

XenAccess 0.1 Release

The XenAccess project announces its first alpha release of our open source introspection library. Developers can use this library to easily access memory in other domains. Our example code shows you how to do simple tasks such as list the running LKMs in another domain or list the processes in another domain.

Try it out, and let us know what kinds of applications you're building with it! As always, feel free to submit bug reports and patches. We look forward to hearing from you.

Posted by Bryan D. Payne 2006-04-25

We're Just Getting Started

The XenAccess Library project is just getting started. We are working to provide a generic introspection library for Xen that can facilitate interesting research and development. If you are interested in introspection or have features that you'd like to see, drop us a note on the mailing list. In the mean time, keep an eye on our webpage for updates to the codebase.

Posted by Bryan D. Payne 2006-02-08