

Allan Cunliffe Michael Carden

The Xena applications can be run via:

  • shell scripts in the Xena dist directory (for Linux)
  • batch files in the Xena dist directory (for Windows)
  • the command-line
  • executables or desktop shortcuts (created when you install Xena via the Windows executable).

Note: Due to a limitation in the configuration of the prototype Xena audio normaliser, the Xena and Xena Viewer commands need to include the location of the audio.jar file in order to play back normalised audio via the Xena Viewer audio player. All command-line examples given below include the location of the audio.jar file.


In Windows, Xena and the Xena Viewer can be run either from a executable, batch file or via the command-line.

Note: You will only be able to start Xena from batch file or command line if you have built Xena from the source files.

Starting Xena from executable file

The following executable files are located in the directory selected at the time of installation (typically C:\Program Files\Xena) or your desktop:

  • for Xena, double-click Xena.exe
  • for Xena Viewer, double-click Xena Viewer.exe.

Starting Xena from batch file

The following batch files are located in the dist directory:

  • for Xena, double-click xena.bat
  • for Xena Viewer, double-click viewer.bat.

Starting Xena from the command line

The following commands can be run manually from the command-line.

Note: You must run all commands from the location of the dist directory. For example, xena-source/dist/.


java -cp xena.jar;plugins\audio.jar

Xena Viewer

java -cp xena.jar;plugins\audio.jar


In Linux, Xena and the Xena Viewer can be run either from a shell script or manually via the command-line.

Starting Xena from a shell script

The following shell scripts are located in the dist directory:

  • for Xena, run
  • for Xena Viewer, run

Note: These scripts may need their access permissions set in order to run. For example:

chmod a+x

Starting Xena manually from the command line

The following are commands can be run manually from the command line.

Note: You must run all commands from the location of the dist directory. For example, xena-source/dist/.


java -cp xena.jar:plugins/audio.jar

Xena Viewer

java -cp xena.jar:plugins/audio.jar


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Wiki: Starting_Xena