
Can't normalise office documents

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I can't normalise office documents. I keep getting the following error message:

    "The following exceptions were logged: Cannot convert to Flat XML. Maybe your installation does not have installed: Flat XML File or maybe the document is password protected or has some other problem. Try opening in manually."

    I have uncompressed all the plugin files in Xena and all the jar files in the program\classes folder in OOo1.1.5. This worked before on another computer. However, I reinstalled Xena and OOo on a new computer and did the same things, and it won't work. Xena will normalise plaintext and other types of files, but not office documents. Please help. Thanks.

    • Michael Carden

      Michael Carden - 2006-05-24

      Thanks for your query.

      The advice in the error message is useful. Try opening the office document using OpenOffice by itself. If it can't do so, it won't be able to do so when asked by Xena to supply Xena with XML.

      Next, make sure that Xena's Tools->Plugin Preferences->Office has the correct location for OpenOffice set.

      On some Windows machines, setting up OpenOffice this way doesn't stick and you may need to do it manually:

      If the OpenOffice quickstarter is open in your system tray, close it. Open a command prompt [Start->Run-> cmd ->OK]
      Change to your OpenOffice directory, probably C:\Program Files\ 1.1.x\program\

      Type (all on one line):

      quickstart -accept=socket;host=localhost;port=8100;urp=StarOffice.ServiceManager

      This will manually prepare OpenOffice to accept input from Xena. Please let us know how you go.

      Michael Carden

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you, Michael. I tried all of your suggestions, and nothing works. I get the same error message every time. The documents themselves open without problem in, but I can't get Xena to normalise the documents.

      I truncated the error message in my last post. Maybe I'd better give you the whole thing. I'd appreciate any further suggestions. I would like to use Xena to establish a digital archives at my place of work (a large Canadian Crown Corporation) but if I can't get it to normalise office documents, it's no go.

      Here's the error message in its entirety:

      The following exceptions were logged: Cannot convert to Flat XML. Maybe your installation does not have installed: Flat XML File or maybe the document is password protected or has some other problem. Try opening in manually.

    • Justin Waddell

      Justin Waddell - 2006-05-26


      I am a developer on the Xena project.

      You should not need to uncompress any of the jar files in either Xena or OpenOffice - in fact this could cause errors. I assume you first tried Xena without uncompressing the jar files? If not you should return Xena and OpenOffice to their original states, either by deleting the uncompressed files or reinstalling.

      This error occurs when the file has been (invisibly) opened in OpenOffice, but has failed when saving to XML. So it looks like Xena is talking to OpenOffice successfully, so the program setup should be fine. A few to check that I can think of are:

      1. Is the destination directory in Xena Lite Preferences pointing to a valid directory?

      2. Is the document actually a spreadsheet or presentation with a .doc extension? This has been known to cause problems with earlier versions of Xena/OpenOffice.

      3. Try opening up the document in OpenOffice, and use the "File->Save As" command to save as "Flat XML". If this fails then the problem is within OpenOffice.

      All of these seem unlikely, but worth a go.

      We have actually finished a new version of Xena that uses the latest version of OpenOffice, version 2.0.2. This saves documents in ODF format and might fix this problem. The new version of Xena is being officially released on June 7th but we can get it to you beforehand if you are interested. We can either email it to you (it's about 30MB big) or we can set up an FTP site etc. Send an email to if you want to set this up.

      Justin Waddell

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Thanks, Justin. I did unzip the jar files because normalisation wasn't working with them unzipped. I'll uninstall & start over again. But I am actually more interested in normalising to ODF instead of flat XML, so I'll contact the national archives to set that up.

    • Justin Waddell

      Justin Waddell - 2006-06-02

      We just discovered yesterday that there is a problem with the email address. The new version will be available as a download from sourceforge next Wednesday (7th June). If you're keen to get hold of it before then, send an email to me at and we'll organise something!

      Justin Waddell


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