
Java >4< Spreadsheetml: xelem.3.0 released

Xelem is a compact Java-library to read and write Excel files of type SpreadsheetML.

What about supplying your (web)clients with the set of data they need in a dynamically created Excel workbook? With xelem you'll create and format a spreadsheet, then send it down the line with just a few lines of code.

Reading data from spreadsheets? The xelem.lex-package provides a concise API for reading spreadsheets, either from a file or an inputsource. It offers a flexible event-based model as well as a simple getWorkbook-method.

xelem features:
- write xml-spreadsheets from within your Java (web)application to a File, OutputStream or Writer
- apply formatting to your Java-generated spreadsheets
- read spreadsheet-data into your Java (web)application from a File or InputStream
- do all of this in an object-oriented environment

The xelem.3.0 release added generics. The xelem API now is type-safe.

Read more at Java to Spreadsheet's home-page:

Posted by Henk van den Berg 2006-01-18

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