
Xilon Engine II / News: Recent posts

XilonII (09.10.14) Release

In long due, the latest source of Xilon II has been uploaded. The engine has gotten a makeover, the SpaceDust example project has also been updated to use this latest version. Also, a new sample project has been added, "IsoMapper". The IsoMapper project demonstrations a simple method to drawing an isometric map using Xilon II.

Posted by Daniel 2009-10-14

XilonII (08.07.28) Release

This new release has a few additions, changes, and breaks. Without doubt a more major release will be out soon as a renderer for DirectX 9 is in the works, as well as updating the Phsyics2D.Net to its newest release.

Posted by Daniel 2008-08-03

Xilon Engine II .NET Future

The entire engine is being rewritten, changing a lot as well as adding. Supporting for different graphics APIs making the engine more flexible. More information can be found at the Xilon Engine II .NET website ( ).

Posted by Daniel 2007-12-05

XEII.NET Alpha Release 4

This new release changes a lot of things, it also breaks all compatibility with the older releases. All objects have been renamed, and moved into new name spaces. Also a further version of Space Dust is provided, allowing you to fly the ship, shoot, and destroy asteroids.

Posted by Daniel 2007-10-28

XEII.NET Alpha Release 3

It has been awhile from the last update, but in that time I have been working on the engine.

I have added the Space Dust game project into the source/compiled downloads. The game is not near being complete, but mostly shows ways to using the engine.

I have added, moved, and changed quite a few things. Another update will come more quickly to make the Space Dust at least playable.

Daniel Story.

Posted by Daniel 2007-09-24

XEII.NET Alpha Release 2

Second public release of XEII is available, it adds some functionality (e.g. texture management) and fixes a few issues.

Posted by Daniel 2007-07-08

XEII.NET Early Overview

The first release of XEII is available, it shows an basic view of how the engine will operate with 2D graphics. Nothing is set in stone on this release, so major interface changes can occur.

Posted by Daniel 2007-06-10