
#68 use KPSE_DOT expansion


Sometimes xdvi fails to fully display a document if
includes external parts, e.g., graphics. This happens,
if each of the following is true:

- it includes parts (graphics) that are located in a
directory other than the directory of the document

- these parts are found via environment variables,
e.g., TEXINPUTS. For example, mine includes
export TEXINPUTS=:.:./Bilder:
and all graphics of my documents are kept in a
subfolder Bilder

- xdvi is run from a directory other than the directory
of the document

In my case, this often happens if I use mozilla to view
dvi files (via helper applications) as mozilla is
almost always started in a different directore.

This could be overcome by using the KPSE_DOT
environment variable. In case xdvi cannot locate a
file, it could set KPSE_DOT to the directory of the
dvi-file and restart the search.

Of course, afterwards KPSE_DOT should be restored to
its original value.

[I would have programmed it myself but I'm a novice in
using environment variables from programs, not
mentioning the problem of makeing it work on 100 + 1
operating system]



  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2005-09-27

    Logged In: YES

    > export TEXINPUTS=:.:./Bilder:

    hmm, couldn't you put the full path there? For me this works
    without any problems, e.g. (assuming all files are under ~/tex):

    export TEXINPUTS=.:~/tex//:

    The behaviour of xdvik should be parallel to dvips IMHO, and
    as far as I can see it is.

    > In my case, this often happens if I use mozilla to view
    > dvi files (via helper applications)

    if you have embedded files, don't these need to be inside
    the same directory as the .dvi file (/tmp in this case)? If
    you only have the DVI file, embedded graphics won't work
    anyway - you'd need a .tar.gz file including all embedded
    files for that (that's supposed to be handled by xdvizilla).

    > This could be overcome by using the KPSE_DOT
    > environment variable.

    I'm not sure if this would be the best solution ... kpathsea
    info says about KPSE_DOT `You should not ever define it
    yourself.'. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds as
    if it would be a bad idea to set it from within xdvi ...
    wouldn't it be easier to set it in the environment, e.g. the
    wrapper script, if this was the route to go?

  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2005-09-27
    • assigned_to: nobody --> stefanulrich
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-09-28

    Logged In: YES

    > > export TEXINPUTS=:.:./Bilder:
    > hmm, couldn't you put the full path there?

    No, that's the purpose of "./Bilder". It means that every
    document has its own folder and has a subdirectory Bilder
    with its graphics.

    > wouldn't it be easier to set [KPSE_DOT] in the environment

    I guess, it's the other way around: It seems to be dangerous
    to (permanently) set KPSE_DOT in the environment because it
    might get overwritten. There should be no problem in
    setting KPSE_DOT in xdvi, using kpathsea, and then restoring
    the original value of KPSE_DOT.

    > e.g. the wrapper script, if this was the route to go?

    That might be a good workaround for the first file. But
    then, if you open another file in a different directory, the
    current directory would still be the one of the first
    document and you'd have the same problem.


  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2005-09-28

    Logged In: YES

    > That might be a good workaround for the first file. But
    > then, if you open another file in a different directory, the
    > current directory would still be the one of the first
    > document and you'd have the same problem.

    OK ,that makes sense.

    Unfortunately I didn't manage to get KPSE_DOT to work - it
    seem that setting it later in the program doesn't have any
    effect (even though it does seem to get evaluated each time
    one of the kpse_ functions is used - I had a quick look at
    kpathsea/expand.c to confirm this).

    My attempt is attached below for reference; it works if the
    path reported by the printf() is set in the shell before
    starting xdvi ...

  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2005-09-28

    patch to use KPSE_DOT, doesn't work

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-09-29

    Logged In: YES

    > Unfortunately I didn't manage to get KPSE_DOT to work

    I think it depends on kpse_file_format_type. For example,
    it works if you encapsulate the call to find_file in util.c,

    char *expanded_filename = NULL;
    struct stat statbuf;
    char *curr_kpse_dot = getenv("KPSE_DOT");
    setenv("KPSE_DOT", globals.dvi_file.dirname, 1);
    expanded_filename = find_file(filename, &statbuf,

    Then the fourth case in find_file succeeds. I don't know
    what's the vaule of pathinfo in this case.


  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2005-09-29

    Logged In: YES

    > I think it depends on kpse_file_format_type. For example,
    > it works if you encapsulate the call to find_file in util.c

    Ah, good find!

    > I don't know
    > what's the vaule of pathinfo in this case.

    it's 25 (kpse_pict_format), but that's the same in all
    cases. It seems that a result for a path expansion for a
    specific file type is cached; I checked this by inserting
    printf() statements into kpse_expand_kpse_dot, expand.c in
    kpathsearch. These are printed only for the first invocation
    of kpse_find_file for a specific file type. So setting
    KPSE_DOT after the first find_file() in send_ps_file is too
    late, and it works if it is set before find_file().

    However, I'm a bit sceptical about setting KPSE_DOT
    unconditionally, since it breaks strict dvips
    compatibility, and I'm not 100% sure that it won't cause
    problems in other cases. Maybe we could make it an #ifdef ...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-10-05

    Logged In: YES

    I've talked to Olaf Weber, one of the authors of kpathsea.
    He says:

    - KPSE_DOT is a hack that may or may not continue to work.

    - KPSE_DOT cannot be used more than once. If you want to
    reuse it, you have to restart kpathsea.

    - a real way to do what [I have suggested] will take some actual

    On the other hand, KPSE_DOT suffices fot my cause. I now use
    xdvi from mozilla via the bash script

    export KPSE_DOT=${1%/*}
    xdvi "$1"

    where $1 contains the full path to the dvi-file.

    My suggestion is:
    Mention the problem with file search and the local
    $TEXINPUTS in the documentation (maybe under "known issues")
    together with a reference to kpathsea/KPSE_DOT, its
    problems, and an example.


  • Stefan Ulrich

    Stefan Ulrich - 2005-10-05

    Logged In: YES

    > I've talked to Olaf Weber, one of the authors of kpathsea.

    Great! Thanks very much for sorting this out. It sounds
    indeed as if KPSE_DOT wasn't the right thing to use in xdvik ;-)

    > My suggestion is:
    > Mention the problem with file search and the local
    > $TEXINPUTS in the documentation

    OK, I will.


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