Expanded Downscaling Code
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File | Date | Author | Commit |
fun | 2011-09-22 | gbuerger | [r37] Move from EDS to XDS. |
README | 2011-09-22 | gbuerger | [r38] replace repository url |
ana.cfg | 2011-11-01 | gbuerger | [r43] introduce PAR.ptrout |
cal.m | 2011-09-22 | gbuerger | [r37] Move from EDS to XDS. |
init.m | 2011-09-30 | gbuerger | [r40] cleaning up resolution handling |
out.m | 2011-09-22 | gbuerger | [r37] Move from EDS to XDS. |
pdd.m | 2011-09-30 | gbuerger | [r40] cleaning up resolution handling |
ptr.m | 2011-11-01 | gbuerger | [r43] introduce PAR.ptrout |
xds.cfg | 2011-11-01 | gbuerger | [r43] introduce PAR.ptrout |
xds.m | 2011-09-22 | gbuerger | [r37] Move from EDS to XDS. |
README file for the application of the expanded downscaling (EDS) method. 1. Sources and Installation EDS runs on linux using the octave programming environemnt. EDS sources and documentation can be obtained using the command `svn' (i.e. subversion) from the following url: svn co https://xds.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xds This creates a directory 'xds' and in it all relevant source files (extension ".m") and one configuration file ("xds.cfg") whose settings need to be adjusted for the application (area) in question. Everything before and after the simulation is beneath this directory node. octave is an open source matlab clone (~95% compatible) that is part of any major linux distribution. EDS requires at least version 3.4, which can be obtained from www.octave.org. Various octave packages are required, as listed under 6. 2. Configuration and Invocation It is invoked by running [var=...] octave [options] xds.m [config file] where config file has the same format as and defaults to the provided 'xds.cfg'. The main entries of this file are described in detail below. The script 'xds.m' simply executes the four scripts init.m: Initialization ptr.m: Reading and processing of atmospheric (analyses/GCM) predictor fields pdd.m: Reading and processing of the local predictand (station) variables. cal.m: Calibration of the EDS matrix, mainly depending on the number of retained atmospheric EOFs. out.m: Downscaling of the atmospheric fields and output. 3. Data All data are placed in a subdirectory whose name defaults to 'data' (and which can be set using the variable 'TOP'), and are organized as follows. For a particular project (area, watershed), 'oakbay' by way of example, ######### xds.cfg ########### PRJ = "oakbay" ; ######### xds.cfg ########### and a directory 'data/oakbay' is to be created. 3a. Local data The local station data are put into several files V1.csv, V2.csv,... The names Vi,... are defined in the metafile 'data/oakbay/meta.txt', whose format is as follows: id,var,varname,lon,lat,alt,undef 1018616,P,precip,-123.517,48.5167,191,-9999 1017101,P,precip,-123.05,48.7833,24,-9999 1018616,Tx,max temperature,-123.517,48.5167,191,-9999 1017101,Tx,max temperature,-123.05,48.7833,24,-9999 1018616,Tn,min temperature,-123.517,48.5167,191,-9999 1017101,Tn,min temperature,-123.05,48.7833,24,-9999 ... Note that from the entry 'varname' the specific normalization procedure is chosen. Accordingly, an input file Tx.csv is expected that should have the following format: Y,M,D,1018620,1017230 1997,6,28,0,9.6 1997,6,29,17,15.8 1997,6,30,0,1.6 3b. Atmospheric data The atmospheric predictor fields must be contained in a path like this: data/some/path/to/gcm, for example data/ecmwf .............. analyses = PAR.ana data/gcm1/sresa2/run2 ... future simulation = PAR.sim{1} data/gcm1/20c3m/run1 .... present simulation = PAR.sim{2} ... The corresponding files are the strings defined in PAR.ana for the analyses and in the two-element cell PAR.sim for the simulations (simulation and reference climate). They are netcdf files with variable names AVAR (analyses) and SVAR (simulations) specified in 'xds.cfg'. Because the GCM fields are projected onto the corresponding analysis variables, the corresponding variable names (e.g. 't' and 'temp') of analysis and GCM fields must correspond exactly to one another, such as ######### xds.cfg ########### AVAR = {"temp_700" "temp_850" "hus_700" "hus_850" "div_700" "div_850" "pr"} ; SVAR = {"t_700" "t_850" "q_700" "q_850" "sd_700" "sd_850" "precip"} ; ######### xds.cfg ########### PAR.sim{2} refers to a GCM simulation for the reference climate (present), relative to which anomalies are taken; it defaults to PAR.sim{1} if only one element is given. It is important to run this simulation first (e.g. using PAR.sim = "data/gcm1/20c3m/run1") 4. Configuration EDS is calibrated using analysis fields and station data. For example, to select for the predictor fields a latitude-longitude rectangle between 0 and 25E and 40N and 50N, and using the ecmwf analyses for calibration in the baseline period 1991 and 2000, the following entry is needed. ######### xds.cfg ########### PAR.lon = [0 25] ; PAR.lat = [40 50] ; PAR.ana = "ncep" ; PAR.cper = [1961 1 1; 1990 12 31] ; ######### xds.cfg ########### The calibration performance statistics of EDS grows steadily with the numberof retained atmospheric EOFs, neof. To obtain the best possible value of neof, one that verifies on independent data, we do an additional split of the calibration period and systematically check EDS performance relative to neof, using the RE statistic of simulated (areal) mean variables. A typical splitting is defined in 'xds.cfg' via ######### xds.cfg ########### PAR.edscal = [1961 1 1; 1975 12 31] ; PAR.edsval = [1976 1 1; 1990 12 31] ; ######### xds.cfg ########### As EDS is an anomaly model, for each simulation a baseline period and a corresponding baseline simulation needs to be specified. For example, the anomalies of 'gcm1/sresa2/run2' are to be downscaled relative to the climate of 'gcm1/20c3m/run2', using the baseline period of 1961 to 1990. This setting would be obtained from the 'xds.cfg' entries ######### xds.cfg ########### PAR.sim = {"gcm1/sresa2/run2", "gcm1/20c3m/run2"} ; PAR.cper = [1989 1 1; 2000 12 31] ; ######### xds.cfg ########### 5. Output After executing the script 'xds.m' (or e.g. simply 'out.m') the downscaled data are put in the directory data/oakbay/ptr/gcm1/sresa2/run2/pdd in the files P.csv, V1.csv, V2.csv,... 6. Octave packages The following packages are required to run xds.m: general miscellaneous nan octcdf optim statistics time If not installed already (see `pkg list' in octave) a package "foo" can be install using the command pkg install -forge foo