
#1 Entire Programm has a "wash" Effect

Bug (2)

Using the latest Version (XDM 2018 Version 7.0.1) on Win 7 64

I had a similar Issue with MCreator a while ago, I belive it occurred because because my Graficscard was only supporting DX9. After upgrading my Graficscard to a newer one with DX12 support it was fixed.
Basicly i wonder why this occurres, did you ever tested the Programm on an older System? If you are only testing on Win 10, this might be the Problem cause older Systems dosent support DX12.


  • Playa

    Playa - 2017-12-24

    I attached a Picture, strange that it dosent appear. Use this link instead >

    • Subhra Das Gupta

      Thats a very strange effect.
      I tested on Win 10 which is installed on my computer.
      However I tested on Win7 and XP on VirtualBox and works fine.

      Could you please try to run XDM with graphics accelaration disabled?
      To do so follow below steps:

      1. open xdm install folder. it should be on c:\Program Files (x86)\Subhra Das Gupta\Xtreme Download Manager on 64 bit system or Program Files\Subhra Das Gupta\Xtreme Download Manager on 32 bit system.
      2. open cmd and switch to the directory using cd
      3. there should be a file xdman.jar
      4. type "jre\bin\java.exe" -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -jar xdman.jar
      5. Check if the issue is still there
      • Playa

        Playa - 2017-12-26

        This worked still i wonder why this happens.
        Just if you need more Information, i attached an dxdiag.


        Last edit: Playa 2017-12-26
        • Subhra Das Gupta

          It looks like some bug in Oracle Java Runtime itself. Disabling graphics acceleration solves the issue.
          You can submit a bug report at oracle.

  • Subhra Das Gupta

    • status: open --> pending
  • Subhra Das Gupta

    • status: pending --> closed

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