
Constant "DOWNLOAD VIDEO" box in lower right

  • mike1951

    mike1951 - 2018-02-22

    This gray box is present on every page whether there are videos on page or not.

    Just wondering why?


    • Subhra Das Gupta

      You can just click on the Download Video popup to see there is video or not.

  • mike1951

    mike1951 - 2018-02-23

    That doesn't seem wise since I have no way of knowing what might be downloaded.

    • Subhra Das Gupta

      If you click on the download video popup, it will show all the video with names.
      You can choose which one to download

  • Subhra Das Gupta

    Thats how its designed. It gives you an option to download even if you have closed the tab.

  • remoo

    remoo - 2018-03-26

    I don't like this Download Video Popup either. Is there a way to disable it, without disabling Browser Monitoring?

    • Subhra Das Gupta

      You can disable it from browser monitoring page in XDM settings

      • remoo

        remoo - 2018-03-26

        Thank you.


        Last edit: remoo 2018-03-26

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