
Failed to append/convert file parts, please check if the drive is full or write protected

  • Subhra Das Gupta

    Did you checked if you disk has at least double free space ( if iso size is 5 gb, then 10 gb free space expected )

    • Amit Seal

      Amit Seal - 2018-06-27

      Hello, I am also facing this problem.
      Here are a few information you might find useful:
      both drives have Gigabytes of space left, whereas the intended file is only a few megabyte
      I have tried downloading from Youtube

      I am using Manjaro Stable Release, 64bit;


      • Subhra Das Gupta

        did you retry the download? if possible please share the link

  • Emilio

    Emilio - 2019-02-26

    I encounter the same problem in Linux Mint 19.1

    Hello Subhra, Thanks to you for your great app...
    But now in Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon x64 (Ubuntu 18.04 bionic) with all updates...
    I installed Xdman 2018 from xdm64.tar.xz x64 files
    ( V. Version 7.2.8 avec runtime 1.8.0_141-BLFS sur Linux) from your site ...
    (With French Language...)
    & I have the Full latest version of openjdk-11-jre installed too ... [openjdk 10.0.2 2018-07-17
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4, mixed mode) ]

    I also do updates to the conversion tools ...
    The add-on for Firefox is installed & working.

    But when I download a file (Softwares, Pdf & Docs or video, audio, etc...)
    the dialogue box window tells me: :
    "Can not add pieces of the file, check if the disk is full or write-protected"
    (all of this in French, because I'm French ) ...

    Once it worked after installation & this time only, & there was the Jre icon (Java Embedded Frame)
    on the dashboard (bottom bar of the screen), but now no more at all.

    Would it come from the "Temp" folder or from a bug ?
    I left as the file "temp" with its default folder location,
    I just changed the differents downloads folders on another hard drive & partition, as I usually do ...

    Just this problem, that once the file downloaded, xdman can not manage to Complet / Reassemble / Convert (???) to finalize the download & so we do not have access ...

    Still, there are the files downloaded in their respective temp folders like (for example ) :

    And it's the same problem with any files & websites.
    The files are downloading well, but xdman is unable to reassemble them!
    Can this be a problem related to java (openjdk-11-jre / v.10 ) or membership (Owner, system, etc.)
    & access rights to the "Temp" folder by Xdman ?

    To see where it can come from, if you need reports & logs of xdman, java or other, thank you to tell me how to do (terminal commands, specific apps or other) because I'm not at all a "Pro" for all of this.

    I created a Ticket & a New Topic for this bug/problem.
    Thanks for your help & that we can continue to use this great application.


  • deviant two

    deviant two - 2020-04-30

    same case, ive triend download utube video, that video not exeed 50mb, im uses windows xp sp3, my %systemdrive% space more than 1gb, i use another drive (more than 500gb free space) for xdm temporary folder (and that folder is exists and have "everyone" set to "full control").
    what xdm said after 100% complete : xdm failed to append/convert file parts, please check if the drive is full or write protected. if i resume it failed @ 3%-10% progress

  • Chuck2Duece

    Chuck2Duece - 2020-06-12

    I am having the same problem in Windows 10 while trying to download MX Linux and Linux Mint. Both had the same error mentioned above. This doesn't happen for me in Linux Mint.

  • sourceforger2

    sourceforger2 - 2020-12-10

    This same problem just eliminates usage of the app!!!! Fix it , PLEASE!!

    And the bug is NOT at all related to insufficient disk space , write protect, etc.!!!
    This occurs on SOME sites ONLY!!!

    It is usually happening in this way: the download reaches 98-99%, then it stops for a while, and then this error pops up !!!


    Last edit: sourceforger2 2020-12-10
  • Andile Ndlovu

    Andile Ndlovu - 2021-10-08

    There are two fixes I'm aware of for the issue.
    The first (not enough space on drive) is :-
    1. Go to your download file in XDM
    2. Right click on the file and go to "Save as"
    3. Change the directory to a storage drive with enough space.

    The second (windows: file name too long) is:-
    *1. Follow the first two steps above
    2. Now change the name of the file to a shorter one. *


    Last edit: Andile Ndlovu 2021-10-08
  • sourceforger2

    sourceforger2 - 2021-10-08

    Hi. You know what? NOTHING helped me! The ONLY method that helped was Windows reinstall.
    After reinstalling my Windows 10 (clean install) I installed the app and everything has been working OK. The only advise I can offer is do NOT change any XDM's default paths. I suspect that might be a source of the problem


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