

  • Subhra Das Gupta

    I am stopping development for XDM due to the lack of time for development of this project.
    Also it did not gain the expected popularity to keep me motivated.

    Therefore no major release will be planned. only severe bug fixes may be available later.

    • Yash

      Yash - 2014-07-27

      I am Naren from techsupport forum.

      Why dont you start a thread about XDM in popular forums?
      I would suggest malwaretips & wilders

      Introduce yourself & XDM there. You will get a lot of support & feedback. And I am sure XDM will be popular in no time as its an excellent product.

      Actually sometime back I had posted about XDM in both the sites but no response was there, guess no one knew XDM then.
      But if you, developer will post, I am sure everybody would like to test XDM & give feedback.

      Plzz dont stop the development of such an excellent product.


      Last edit: Yash 2014-07-27
    • Nomen est Omen

      Nomen est Omen - 2015-11-21

      Would really be a pity - just discovered it simply by browsing SourceForge - works great, even on Windows XP, which you do not mention as a target platform
      Best regards

  • Subhra Das Gupta

    one major release will be published as soon as i can manage some time. after that only bug fixes will be available.

  • Subhra Das Gupta

    @Shashank due to lack of time my own XDM android project is still not finished.

  • smaragdus

    smaragdus - 2014-07-28

    Subhra Das Gupta- I appreciate your work very much- please re-consider your decision to stop the development of XDM. It is a great project. I hope that you will find time and motivation to continue the development of XDM. By the way XDM received a favourable review at Softpedia- the version reviewed was XDM 4.0 and since then XDM has improved significantly in short time. Please don't abandon this great project! Of course you can always rely on me for testing of XDM.

    Please keep this great project alive!

  • Gajj

    Gajj - 2014-12-02

    We will like to add your application to our Distro. (It is not like we are very popular around) We are currently working on next release. As a java developer myself , i developed a DM in java during my Btech six month training, i will like to contribute my code to your project. A little improvement in GUI is needed, i think. Loved your project. I was planning to publish my project's code in January, but after viewing your project i'm putting that on hold. thanks for your valuable code and time. :)

  • alieblice

    alieblice - 2014-12-18

    i don't think that 4000 downloads per weak is not popularity
    XDM is great but its really lack of a good queue . at least number of concurrent downloads and reordering downloads needed to be added to xdm become better.

  • surpavan

    surpavan - 2015-01-26

    The product is great, infact I changed from IDM to this, the only thing needs improvement from my view point is better integration with browser and a little bit appearance correction. Example: Sort by date on list does not work correctly, since it is taking sorting as by string rather by date format.

  • saurav das

    saurav das - 2015-05-01

    Hi Subhra74, I was just browsing through the projects,I found this project,please reconsider your decision.Also we cant find the source code of this project.Can you tell us where is it? and why dont you post on other forums? I am sure other developers can be roped in to continue this project while you develpor your android app?


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