
#44 Website still states that 2.0.0 is last stable

current bugs
website (1)
No states that xbase 2.0.0 is latest stable. This sourceforge however promotes xbase64 3.1.2 as latest version.

Either 2.0.0 is not latest stable and website should be updated/taken down (would be shame) or or sourceforce should recommend 2.0.0 as latest version (if 3.1.2 is not stable release).

What's relation between xbase and xbase64 anyway?


Bugs: #44


  • pc

    pc - 2018-04-17

    this project seems to be abandoned.
    many questions remains without answer since many years.
    many bugs reported without corrections.
    what a pitty ! It had started well ...

    I tested v.3.1.2
    -remove lock system : it doesn't work.
    -real delete doesn't work fine (subsequent deletes causes hang)
    -other bugs too
    -documentation doesn't reflect the reality of the code (return values in particular)

    • Gary Kunkel

      Gary Kunkel - 2018-04-17


      I was one of the original authors many years ago and the library got away from me and was taken over by others.
      About a year ago,  I started to rework the library as time permits and have a mostly newer version of the library that does not yet have any index support.  The goal was to get the index logic working, then re-release the library.  The version named Xbase64 was was an effort to bring 64 bit file support into the library.

      Hope this helps

      On Tuesday, April 17, 2018, 8:28:33 AM CDT, pc <> wrote:

      this project seems to be abandoned.
      many questions remains without answer since many years.
      many bugs reported without corrections.
      what a pitty ! It had started well ...

      I tested v.3.1.2
      -remove lock system : it doesn't work.
      -real delete doesn't work fine (subsequent deletes causes hang)
      -other bugs too
      -documentation doesn't reflect the reality of the code (return values in particular)

      [bugs:#44] Website still states that 2.0.0 is last stable

      Status: open
      Group: current bugs
      Labels: website
      Created: Wed Feb 15, 2017 02:37 PM UTC by Tomáš Volf
      Last Updated: Wed Feb 15, 2017 02:37 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody states that xbase 2.0.0 is latest stable. This sourceforge however promotes xbase64 3.1.2 as latest version.

      Either 2.0.0 is not latest stable and website should be updated/taken down (would be shame) or or sourceforce should recommend 2.0.0 as latest version (if 3.1.2 is not stable release).

      What's relation between xbase and xbase64 anyway?

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      Bugs: #44

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