
#130 Diffusion of Advances and Tech to Other Sides


It would be nice to have a way of allowing a chance of
one side's advances and tech to diffuse to other sides.
Perhaps there could be different mechanisms such as
spying, defection, familiarity (trade, friendliness,
etc...). It is unclear in how much detail we will need
or want to model the mechanisms.

As a first draft, I would submit the following:

(1) SideProp 'tech-uptake-chance'
A list of utype-integer chances indicating which unit
types a side can receive tech for. Defaults to "(u* 0%)".
(2) SideProp 'research-uptake-chance'
A list of atype-boolean chances indicating which unit
types a side can receive research for. Defaults to "(a*
(3) SideProp 'advance-uptake-chance'
A list of atype-boolean chances indicating which
advance types a side can receive research for. Defaults
to "(a* 0%)".
(3) SideProp 'release-n-tech'
A list of utype-integer pairs indicating the max TP
that could be released in an "involuntary tech transfer
incident". Defaults to "(u* 0)".
(4) SideProp 'release-n-research'
A list of atype-integer pairs indicating the max RP
that could be released in an "involuntary research
transfer incident". Defaults to "(a* 0)".
(5) SideProp 'tech-release-chance'
A list of utype-integer chances per turn that some TP
owned by a side will be released to another side.
Defaults to "(u* 0%)".
(6) SideProp 'research-release-chance'
A list of atype-integer chances per turn that some RP
owned by a side will be released to another side.
Defaults to "(a* 0%)".
(7) SideProp 'advance-release-chance'
A list of atype-integer chances per turn that an
advance owned by a side will be released to another
side. Defaults to "(a* 0%)".

If unit-private tech or advances are in place, their TP
or RP, respectively, would be prohibited from diffusing
to other sides.

As a use case, I forsee using this in the Advances game
to allow the independent side to have some chance of
picking up lower-and-mid-level advances from other
sides (think trade, spying, mimicry of successful
things, roaming military advisers, mercenary
experience, etc...). A very high chance for
Leatherworking (thus Spearmen) and Handicraft
(Slingers), down to a very low chance for Goverment
(Phalanxes), and none at all for The Republic
(Legiones). I would set side 0's (independent side's)
advance-uptake-chance to "(a* 100%)", and then set the
default side (as a template for all sides) to have
various advance release chances.
Furthermore, spying could be modeled for all sides, but
only for advances that it made sense (i.e., Handicraft,
but not Government). This would be done by setting the
appropriate uptake chances for the default side.


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