
#116 Resupplying Units Confused by Two Sources


It seems that if a unit has two necessary materials
that it can receive from two seperate sources, then it
will go to the closest source of one of those
materials, rather than the closest source of a needed
material. This can be seen in the attached grue.g
file. If you play as the Civilized or Dwarf side, you
will have a Dwarven City and a Town. The Town can
produce Merchants that have 100 Grain and 50 Ore,
whereas the Dwarf City produces Dwarven Merchants that
have 100 Ore and 50 Grain. Merchants consume 1 Grain
and 1 Ore each turn and starve to death if they reach
0. Towns produce Grain and Dwarven Cities produce Ore.

What I expected to happen would be that the Dwarven
Merchants would travel to the Towns and Merchants would
travel to Dwarven Cities (And then back and forth as
they ran low) simulating trade routes. Instead, the
newly created Merchant and Dwarven Merchant units stay
right next to their creators. The AI isn't just not
moving them, it states that it is moving them next to
their creators to resupply.


  • Elijah Meeks

    Elijah Meeks - 2005-08-01

    Grue with Merchants

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-08-01

    Logged In: YES

    I have no immediate plans to deal with this. There are
    numerous resupply issues in Xconq. I had planned on dealing
    with materials handling (transfer, gathering, resupply,
    etc...) after taking care of R&D. But seeing as I got
    distracted by AI combat, and have been totally unmotivated
    to work on Xconq the last couple of weeks, I don't when I
    will get to the resupply logic....

    I would suggest that you make sure that the merchant does
    not have a SupplyLow condition for the material that is
    produced in the city it originates in.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2005-08-06

    Logged In: YES

    Have you tried editing a game so that the city providing the
    needed supply is in range of the unit needing to resupply?
    Place a Town and a Dwarven City quite close to one another
    and see what happens.

  • Elijah Meeks

    Elijah Meeks - 2005-08-06

    Logged In: YES

    I did change it so that a town didn't have the capacity to
    hold Iron and that a Dwarven City didn't have the capacity
    to hold Food, and it didn't fix it. I assume I'll need to
    make the Caravans one-way (Dwarven Merchants don't consume
    Iron and Merchants don't consume Food) to make it work.
    This is no problem, as I can make them auto-upgrade into the
    "other-directioned" unit when they get the necessary
    material. I'll take a look at this when I get a chance.


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