
Xitnalta Content Management System / News: Recent posts

xcms 0.5.80 released

The Xitnalta Content Management System (xcms) got a new version. This is the first time users can look at something else than only source code by trying it out with a simple program.

Please note that xcms is still (pre-)alpha software that is not very useful (but interesting) at the moment.

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-11-25

First xcms development snapshot

This snapshot should give a rough overview over the current development. It contains an ugly and strange bug in src/parser.c which I try to resolve through rewriting. Any help appreciated.

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-09-01

Status update August 20, 2001

Xcms had a delay of one month because of an outage of SourceForge's services - and a delay of about two months because of the holydays and the re-installation of my system. I'm planning to release an xcms 0.3 version with filesystem support within the next few weeks, but it's possible that something (like school, tests at school, homework, ;-) ) breaks my plans again. Let's hope that's not the case.... read more

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-08-20

Current status

- XDAL-MySQL works fine and delivers all required xcms_cntstruct data to index.php
- (the Php-Mysql Access Library include file) is complete and now a part of xcms
- theme switching support added, built-in theme adopted for theme and language switching

I'll drop my development on the XDAL-dummy. I'd rather like to complete XDAL-MySQL with sensible documentation (= commenting) and work on more important things (like documentation and bug fixing).... read more

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-05-08

xcms 0.2 will be released soon

The current status of xcms is as follows: the built-in theme is almost finished and duplicated into a default theme, which will serve as a demonstration for standardized theme programming for xcms 1.0. The MySQL version of XDAL has a finished database design and now needs some work on its API to index.php. I think the administration is not so cruel if you use phpMyAdmin (o;.

With the release of xcms 0.2, the documentation will be the first example of a working xcms environment in use of the XDAL-MySQL library.... read more

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-05-06

I have put some documentation online

Now you know a bit more about xcms - ie., I hope it ;o). By the way: I had an idea for an xcms logo. It should be online by the release of xcms 0.2. The docs are here:, and more information about releases can you find here:

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-04-17

Having holidays = more time for xcms

Till Sunday, I have full 5 days of holidays. After that, I do my two-week practical training within a ISP. Because I have real freetime after work, I also have a bit more time for other things in these weeks. I hope to get xcms running in the next few months - but I can't promise anything. But can't stay this way forever...

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-03-27

Day 0 on!

xcms goes online on I'll upload all currently available project files on as soon as I know how :O).

Posted by Felix Rabe 2001-03-10