
#3 Makefile problem


Compiling xclass-0.7.4 on a Sparc/Solaris 2.8 box
comes up with a makefile problem in lib/libxclass. It
complains about the line that reads "shared: CXXFLAGS
+= -fPIC", stating that macro assignment is not
allowable on a dependency line. To correct this simply
change the above line to read "shared := CXXFLAGS
+= -fPIC".
Other than that everything works great!


  • Luis Hector Peraza Gonzalez

    Logged In: YES

    What I wanted with the 'shared: CXX...' was to have a
    target-specific variable assignment. The value -fPIC should
    be added to the CXXFLAGS only when doing a 'make shared'.
    Note that the ':=' change will NOT produce the desired
    result, it will just create a variable named shared, and
    CXXFLAGS will remain unchanged. GNU gmake understands the
    original Makefile without problems and produces the correct
    variable expansions, I would recommend using it under
    Solaris too to compile xclass.

  • Luis Hector Peraza Gonzalez

    • assigned_to: nobody --> hperaza
  • Luis Hector Peraza Gonzalez

    • labels: --> xclass library

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