
#226 [PATCH] plugin config framework


this patch adds 4 functions to the xchat plugin api:

- int xchat_set_pluginpref_str (xchat_plugin *ph, char *var, char *value)
- int xchat_get_pluginpref_str (xchat_plugin *ph, char *var, char *dest)
- int xchat_set_pluginpref_int (xchat_plugin *ph, char *var, int value);
- int xchat_get_pluginpref_int (xchat_plugin *ph, char *var);

and a helper function to util.c, which sanitizes filenames generated from plugin names (only alphanumeric values and _ are allowed). all config is saved in the default xchat profile dir, prefixed with plugin_. example: for "Do At" would be plugin_do_at.conf.

example set_str: xchat_set_pluginpref_str (ph, "var1", "asdf");
example get_str: xchat_get_pluginpref_str (ph, "var1", buffer);
example set_int: xchat_set_pluginpref_int (ph, "var2", 1234);
example get_int: int result = xchat_get_pluginpref_int (ph, "var2");

all functions return 0 for failure and 1 for success (like other functions) except xchat_get_pluginpref_int which returns the requested value, unless it failed to read it, in which case it returns -1.

patch was made for svn head, r1498 at the time of writing.


  • Berke Viktor

    Berke Viktor - 2011-12-01

    added an updated version of the patch, changes:

    - use const chars where possible (like other plugin api commands)
    - fix a cfgfiles.c bug where cfg_get_str could return a wrong value (when varnames include each other) which in turn could cause the client to crash

  • Berke Viktor

    Berke Viktor - 2011-12-01

    another update, which adds documentiation about the new functions in plugin20.html.

  • Berke Viktor

    Berke Viktor - 2011-12-02
  • Berke Viktor

    Berke Viktor - 2011-12-02

    one more update, it adds an example to the xchat_set_pluginpref_int section in the documentation


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