
#221 IRC inviation notification: message/mechanism is useless

Paul Sladen

Forwarded from: XChat 2.8.8, Ubuntu 10.10

1. While XChat is not focused, have someone invite you to a channel.

What happens: A notification bubble appears with the name of the person as its title, and the single word "invited" as its entire body text.

What's wrong with this:
* There's no sign that the notification is even from XChat.
* "invited" is an incomplete phrase.
* There's no way of knowing what channel you're being invited to.
* If you're connected to more than one IRC network, there's no way of knowing which network the channel is on.
* Even if you psychically detect all of the relevant information, there's no way of accepting the invitation.

What should happen: The invitation is shown in a persistent way, including:
* what's actually happening
* the name of the channel and network
* the ability to accept the invitation.

For example, a banner along the top of the XChat window, like the one for remembering a password in Firefox:
"hhiggins has invited you to join #example on Freenode. ( Decline ) ( Join )"


  • Lian Wan Situ

    Lian Wan Situ - 2011-02-10

    Invite notification balloon from older Ubuntu

  • Lian Wan Situ

    Lian Wan Situ - 2011-02-10

    Half of those problems seems to be changes introduced by Ubuntu not xchat. See attached invite_notification.png

    Although it could certainly use some improvements, this is more of a Feature Request than a Bug.


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