
#1425 Xchat scrollbars start on top, very annoying


When launching XCHAT, some channel scrollbars are at TOP of the scrolling, instead of bottom. This is very annoying, because user has to scroll every channel down to see what people are saying on that channel.

This happens casually, on casual channels, on casual servers, on different computers and within different versions of xchat, on different GNU//Linux distro's. Tested on Gentoo, UBUNTU, Debian.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This is the image of a channel scroll bar, just when xchat was launched. This happens on many channels, casually.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-18

    Happens to me, too, on all the machines I use. Maybe it's a side effect of something in the configuration files...

    The only solution is to turn scrollback off completely. It's made super-extra annoying because there is no way to get to the bottom except to hold pagedown or to drag the scrollbar; end or ctrl+end does jack.

  • aperson

    aperson - 2010-08-14

    I experience this as well. Also of note, you can right click the bottom arrow to go to the end.

  • Brian Evans

    Brian Evans - 2010-08-14

    For now, you can "/set tab_new_to_front 0", which will cause this issue to not happen, however it also means that you won't have the tab focused on other creation.

    This is one of the issues I am looking at, but in my testing, it only happens when connecting to a BNC, and then only if the lag is extremely low, and then only some of the time.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-17

    Confirm same bug on Windows 7, X-chat build is Xchat-WDK r1441. Seems to happen when connecting to ZNC and when there is lots of backbuffer to display on connect.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2013-10-21
  • CruX

    CruX - 2014-05-22

    It also happens for me using XChat-GNOME 0.3.0 on Debian Jessie/testing as of today.

  • Robert Whitebit

    Robert Whitebit - 2015-11-21

    Still a problem :(
    Brian Evens workaround doesn't work for me. When restarting xchat, the scrollbar is on the top in some channels.


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