
XBIG Fails on cant find jni.h on macos

  • Tom Träskbäck

    Tom Träskbäck - 2009-05-24

    Hi i try to run the tests from your svn i get the several errors but the most i catching is that it cant find jni.h!
    i tried to set:
        <compiler id="gcc" name="gcc" if="use-gcc">
            <compilerarg value="-O -I $JAVA_HOME/include" unless="is-debug" />

    butt that didn't change anything...

    • Christoph Nenning

      is JAVA_HOME set ?

      on my mac it points to

      And I have to set in manually.

      • Tom Träskbäck

        Tom Träskbäck - 2009-05-25


        Is the path to java home..

    • Christoph Nenning

      so JAVA_HOME is set.

      Please post more details about what is going on.
      Which test case are you running?
      jni.h is needed to compile generated C++ code, did generated java code compile?
      which doxygen version are you using?

      • Tom Träskbäck

        Tom Träskbäck - 2009-05-25

        My bad i ran sudo ./ witch resulted in the error.. sins it ran i different .profile file then


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