
Testing with Windows, Eclipse, MinGW

  • Marcus Tylutki

    Marcus Tylutki - 2007-05-06

    I made an attempt to try and run and test this project.  First, a little background on what my system started with:

    Windows 2000, Eclipse

    I first had to install Subclipse (for SVN support for Eclipse) to get the files.  There was a nice walkthrough of this here:

    After installing this in Eclipse, I had to add the file MSVCP60.dll, otherwise it would not work.  Here is the article I found:

    More or less a simple extraction of the DLL from the Windows 2000 installation CD.

    After importing the SVN project into Eclipse, I attempted to run the first test (xbig.trunk.tests.t1) by double clicking on the ANT file build.xml.  This failed, because it had difficulty finding the JUnit JAR file, that is referenced in (within the same directory).  So, I did a Run As, went to the Classpath, and added all of the jar files under xbig.trunk.src.ant.jar.  This got me past the JUnit test, but then had issues finding gcc.

    Then I went and downloaded MinGW, figuring it might be the best way to get support for gcc.  (At first I tried downloading it piecemeal, but then only made progress from downloading and installing the full MinGW binary.)  I had to change the System Properties->Environmental Variable PATH to include MinGW/bin, and then had to reboot for the PATH to properly be set.

    gcc was then found, and was able to run apparently fine, but then I got stuck with the following error message:

         [echo] create shared library t2_1 in J:\workspace\xbig\trunk\tests\t2_1/build/linux/gcc/debug/shared with sources in J:\workspace\xbig\trunk\tests\t2_1/src/lib
        [mkdir] Created dir: J:\workspace\xbig\trunk\tests\t2_1\build\linux\gcc\debug\shared
           [cc] 1 total files to be compiled.
           [cc] Starting link
           [cc] J:\MinGW\bin\..\lib\gcc-lib\mingw32\3.2.3\..\..\..\..\mingw32\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lgcc_s


    Given that MinGW doesn't have a libgcc_s.* in MinGW\lib, I'm sure that's the problem, although I don't see any way around it short of redoing it with Cygwin and trying again.  Does anyone have any thoughts on how to easily get around this?

    • Christoph Nenning

      To run the tests, there must be several tools installed and configured: JDK, ant, doxygen, a C++ compiler. See INSTALL file for details.

      MinGW does not work because of that missing library you found out. But GCC works on Linux, on Windows I use msvc.

      Usually I run the tests from commandline, again see INSTALL. To run them inside Eclipse you can setup an ant build via Run -> external tools with the following settings:
      - Main -> Buildfile: ${workspace_loc:/XBiG/tests/t1/build.xml}
      - Targets: all
      - Classpath -> add JARs: XBiG/src/ant/jar
      - on Linux: Environment: LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${workspace_loc:/XBiG/tests/t1/}
      That must be done for each single test.

      When using Windows and msvc, you need to run Eclipse from a Visual Studio Dev Console.

      Before running a test, you have to build the base library. Enter XBiG/src/c and run "ant -lib ../ant/jar". Run the same in XBiG/src/java. I will automate this but currently that must be run manually.


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