
Project Specific Config Files

  • scepticx

    scepticx - 2007-11-12

    Hi again,

    --> for previous discussion see

    Thanks again for your help, I would be glad to support you guys with XBiG if I could be of any use :)

    I think I pointed out which of the duplicate functions I have to use but I need this functionPointer Method, so I will try to figure out how I could write the JNI-code and if that works maybe we could think of a way to integrate it into XBiG.

    I was wondering if it is possible to seperate my project from the XBiG project I checked out from the repository.
    I would like to check-in my project to my own svn-server without the need of disconnecting XBiG from the official repository but I think this won't be that easy, right? (ATM I just put it into the tests folder...)

    Another thing is, that I surely want to wrap more stuff (as soon as my first test works) and it would be nice to tell XBiG (maybe in my project build.xml?) which config-file to use. This is the same with the ignore-list.xml, is there a way to overwrite it or to create a project-specific one?

    Maybe there is some cleanup work needed to seperate the ogre-specific stuff from xbig internals?
    If I could be helpfull here I would do that, but I think I need some more instruction if I shouldn't ruin everything... :D



    • Christoph Nenning

      > I think I pointed out which of the duplicate functions I have to use but I need this functionPointer Method,
      > so I will try to figure out how I could write the JNI-code and if that works maybe we could think of a way to
      > integrate it into XBiG.
      Great news!

      > I was wondering if it is possible to seperate my project from the XBiG project I checked out from the
      > repository. I would like to check-in my project to my own svn-server without the need of disconnecting
      > XBiG from the official repository but I think this won't be that easy, right? (ATM I just put it into
      > the tests folder...)
      Put your own project into XBiGs parent dir:
      and edit build.xml:
      <property name="" location="../XBiG" />

      > Another thing is, that I surely want to wrap more stuff (as soon as my first test works) and it would be
      > nice to tell XBiG (maybe in my project build.xml?) which config-file to use. This is the same with the
      > ignore-list.xml, is there a way to overwrite it or to create a project-specific one?
      This is not supported. We need a global config.xml and ignore_list because of all the tests. But optional project specific config files would be handy. I am not sure but I think for if/else constructs in ant build scripts is an additional library needed. Maybe this could be your first contribution? The build.xml of ogre4j uses something similar. Maybe this can serve as a starting point.

      > Maybe there is some cleanup work needed to seperate the ogre-specific stuff from xbig internals?
      No, only the two config files contain ogre4j related things.


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