

Eddie Penninkhof

XBasic is an integrated software development environment
including an advanced compiler, edit/run/debug environment,
and interactive GuiDesigner.

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Searchable Xbasic Help
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An Xbasic Demo Shows how various windows work.
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A game written by CW2008> It is included in the Demos folder

Project Admins:


  • Hugh Cass

    Hugh Cass - 2021-08-29

    Eddie Penninkhof the site administrator has contacted me and has invited me to be an administrator of this site. Thank you Eddie.

    I have uploaded Xbasic versions 6.3.26A for Windows & Linux.

    If you have questions, problems, or ideas about programming with Xbasic, check out the new Xbasic user group: ( We have several very experienced programmers who can help: We are looking for more programmers who would be interested helping maintain and update the program.

    Happy Programming Hugh


    Last edit: Hugh Cass 2021-09-06
  • Hugh Cass

    Hugh Cass - 2021-09-06

    Some older Xbasic GUI programs will not run and will produce an "UNDEFINED" compile error message regarding:
    XuiSendMessage(g, #SetTexture, $$TextureNone. 0,0,0,0,0 ) See screen print below .

    The fix is to simply do a global search for all instances of $$TextureNone and replace with $$TextureFlat, and save your program before exiting Xbasic.



    Last edit: Hugh Cass 2021-09-07
  • Hugh Cass

    Hugh Cass - 2022-03-12

    Hello Eddie Penninkhof and company.

    Thank you all at Sourceforge, for the five awards, sent to me on March 3rd.
    Not sure what I can do to post the awards, perhaps a new Facebook xBasic page?
    I have posted your email to all the (25 or so) members of the site.
    I have also added Dave, & Steve, as Sourceforge administrators for continuity. Robin Warner wants in but has little time for my problem. I have inadvertently deleted him from the which he started. I believe he still has to set up his ID again. I trying to have new files on GitHub copied automatically to the Sourceforge site, which failed. Must try that again.

    Robin also mentioning getting younger administrators for the continuity within Sourceforge and our other sites.

    At this time I am still in therapy, after a (mild) stroke, that kept me in hospitals for much of Dec. I am doing well, and very fortunate for the assistance that has been helpful to me.

    Once again, thank you for the awards.


  • Hugh Cass

    Hugh Cass - 2022-05-13

    Check out the latest posts for the latest changes and upcoming versions for the Xbasic Linux/Windows programming language.

    Robin has finished his Adventure Game, to be available soon.

    Cheers Hugh


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