
6.0 Stable Release

XAware 6.0 Stable
Released November 30, 2009 - SVN build

This stable release contains the results of the following efforts:

* Added the ability to drop XML instances into the tree from a schema.
* Additionally, a fix was added to ensure that data containing '%' characters retain the '%' characters when passed as JMS text messages.

Fixed in this release are the following:

* DE 114 Trees expand upon saving changes in design view within editors.
* DE 160 When schema details are added to a BizDocument, schema file absolute path displays in project navigator below BizDocument.
* DE 163 Incorrect structure generated in working area element when xa:input type element contains children.
* DE 166 Null pointer occurs when moving from Select screen to Map Argument screen in Java BizComponent wizard.
* DE 184 Designer fails to launch after restart.
* DE 185 Unable to execute BizViews from Designer.

Posted by D. Black 2009-12-01

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