
XAware 5.4 GA

XAware, GA Release
Released June 15, 2009 - SVN build

This Generally Available (GA) release includes the following improved and new features:

* Automatic file reference updates when you Move or Rename BizView files.

* A new service editor for reading and writing binary, text, and XML using the File BizComponent has been implemented. New line-terminated records are now better supported in the File Service editor.

* The servlet and command line processor now generate JSON-formatted data when requested (_OUTPUT_TYPE=json). JSON input is also supported in Designer wizards and an XML/JSON converter is implemented in the Tools menu.

* Oracle CLOBs can now be handled with SQL and Stored Procedure BizComponents.

* The optional extension is now delivered as an instruction (xa:optional) and supported in the BizDocument wizard screens. While every effort was made to implement the same behavior, some differences may exist. XAware recommends reviewing the examples and help and migrating any implemented optional extensions to the new instruction.

* Full support of SOAP headers, including editing, adding, and deleting has been added to the SOAP wizard.

* BLOBs can now be handled with SQL and Stored Procedure BizComponents, and CLOB support for MySQL has been added.

* The Salesforce wizard has been overhauled with this release; including support for joins and more. This BizComponent will no longer return unsubstituted values for valid fields if no data is returned for those fields from Salesforce. We also abandoned the use of the frag sets in Salesforce where clauses. This change is supported by the wizard, so if you have existing Salesforce BizComponents that use the frag set, edit those BizComponents through the wizard to clear them.

* Improvements to SQL processing include detection for insert and update operations (xa:oper="insert", xa:oper="update", xa:oper="insert_update") to determine which inbound elements are present and only including insert or update statement fragments for those columns corresponding to elements being passed in. In addition, a new pass through mode ensures that SQL can be passed directly to the database without intervention by the XAware engine (except for the expected substitutions). Prepared statements are not used in this new mode and it must be set manually.

* Changes to the HTTP Connector include all header variables saved as session variables available in the BizDocument using the normal variable syntax. Previously, only select header variables were available. Now, $xavar:host$ provides the value of the HTTP header variable "host". The variables are read-only. To aid diagnostics, all session variables can be dumped out using a new XA-Script command, xa:show_session_variables. For example: <vars xa:show_session_variables=""/> in a BizDocument will dump all session variables as individual elements for viewing, and <vars show_session_variables="http.*"/> will dump variables with names beginning with 'http'. The optional attribute is treated as a regular expression used to match variable names.

* Improvements have been implemented for the prediction displayed in the Outline View for all BizComponent types.

* A new looping construct has been added to support looping (xa:loop).

* The startup sequence has been modified to guide users through options and pre-load examples.

* To insert empty or null values into a database, you can use xa:empty or xa:null as the xa:default value.

* To insert database functions, you can use the function in the column map with the xa:default="literal" attribute applied to that element.

* New BizComponent icons have been implemented across the Designer interface.

* A new composite instruction xa:if/xa:elseif/xa:else has been implemented and is available in the Palette as a snippet.

* To allow access to the root BizDocument session element, or to the root of the original input XML, a new axis is implemented: xa-root.

* Support for non transactional databases has been implemented through a new BizDriver parameter, xa:transactional="no".

* Updates to the wiki content supporting command line BizDocument execution.

* Users are now presented with a list of examples to be loaded upon startup.

Important Notes:
* XAware has made a change to the delivered Tomcat installation to direct STDOUT messages to appear in the console, similar to the JBoss instance available with the installers. If you use your own Tomcat installation, you may want to duplicate the changes we've implemented, which are described in the XAware wikis.

Backward Compatibility:

* We corrected the spelling of a JDBC element: xa:defaultAutoCommit. If you have used this parameter in your JDBC BizDrivers, please update it now.

* We abandoned the use of the frag set with Salesforce BizComponents, so you'll want to edit your existing Salesforce BizComponents using
the wizard to clear those.

* The optional extension is now delivered as an instruction, so if you have any services that implement that instruction, you'll want to update them accordingly.

Defects and Workarounds:
* Selecting Cancel on a SQL wizard causes the application to crash (1874924).
This issue is on Linux only, and it was verified in SUSE Enterprise Desktop 10; however, the stack trace indicates the problem is in the gtk code, which is part of the gnome desktop. This problem is not with XAware, and using SUSE 10 with gde 2.12.2 or Fedora 9 with gde 2.22.3 works just fine.

* Selecting Finish causes crash (2490537). This issue is with Linux only, and the stack trace indicates the problem is in the gtk code, which is part of the gnome desktop. This problem is not with XAware, and using SUSE 10 with gde 2.12.2 or Fedora 9 with gde 2.22.3 works just fine. An upgrade to SUSE 11.1, which has gde 2.24 also eliminates the problem.

* Installing the Salesforce plug-in over an existing open source workspace in Windows does not allow the install to remove existing plug-in jar files. As a workaround, you can close Designer and remove the old dynamic/jars from the directory and restart. Because Salesforce has changed significantly with this release, it's recommended to start with a fresh workspace and a new install.

Fixed Defects:

Current and fixed defects can be reviewed by logging into the XAware project on

The following defects have been fixed in this release:

2629720 Exception while moving multiple BizViews

2105709 Issue with copy rights info in About XA-Designer window

1913682 Usability - BizComp is closed after creating

1978238 Ex Profile displaying 2 types under the BizComp

1979433 Last value is returned as an un-substituted variable

1913103 Editing the Target wipes out mapper properties

1949909 Tracer display fails on CopyBook BizComp

2604667 Formatting issue in XML view

2637006 IllegalArgumentException on clicking cancel button inSetXM

2636959 Null Pointer exception on creating service thru XA Service

2657243 Exception while creating service if user selects different p

2682954 Service Wizard breaks without Starter Project

2001172 shutdownSever.bat calls out the wrong path, jdk150

2794336 Issue with xa:remove functionality in server side

2736500 Issue with Sql Service Wizard

2664980 Issue with default text file created with service wizard

2657171 Issue with move after rename bizview contains absolute path

2705992 Issue with jboss server

2706244 Issue with Children Thread

2525145 There are now six LF after each returned element.

2595592 Drag n Drop of functoid from palette is broken

2795277 Right click options differ in XML and JSON content in tool.

2800704 Pinning open Palette drawers does not keep drawer open

2787562 SF manual query fails on WHERE clause

2718870 set XML Path window with SF bizComp

2712039 BizDoc outline vies with SF bizComp

2800571 Logo in Help About is old

2707237 SOAP Wizard fails on WSDL (with xs:any element)

2790278 Manual removal of conf files when update Salesforce

2784441 xa:defaultAutoCommit not in list and incorrectly spelled

2609215 Source tree is not in sync with SQL Statement in SQL Service

2689039 Nested functoid failure

2791468 SQL not equal (<>) criteria fails

2793211 Issue wth output encoding

2389550 jar's are not allowed to add while creating BizCom using exi

2641878 target columns and mappings wiped out in edit service bizvie

2641954 Issue with save option in Map data tab

2613449 Error: The Content already has an existing parent document

2612491 Refresh issue in outline view related to Bizdoc

2726533 Issue with editing SOAP response headers

2726547 Issue with editing soap bizcomp contain header information

2685284 Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V not working

2689067 Apply Functoid dialog fails to resolve lookup resource path

2785167 Refactor failed to rename BizDoc

2776876 XMLMapper Wizard does not allow XPath predicate in xa:map_ma

2619625 Issue in SQL insert/update, update wizard

2631507 SP Bizcomp not supporting Oracle DATE/TIMESTAMP correctly

2128402 Issue related to Default File Name for LDAP Search

2641926 Issue in map data tab in service editor

2093182 Issue when text entered in single line for comments dialog

2609112 Error message is displaying where it should not displayed.

1886871 on_soap_fault attribute is set to a blank issue

1960335 Seaching in the log view in designer is inop

1913680 XMLMapper - refresh window / user operation waiting window

2012716 Copy book BizComp ExecutioArray Index out of bound exception

2563570 xa:input_type_attribute is not generated for make bizdoc fr

2799407 Tool Tip is not displaying in setxml path tool for root bizd

2531145 Issue with import operation parameters in SOAP

2797274 Issue with XML population in map request of salesforce

2727842 Issue with File Read XML on deleting XML file

2438408 Issue with auto-generate button in jms send BizComp

2798422 Issue with editing SQLServer2005 Storedprocedure

2585266 Issue with editing soap when multiple services exists inwsdl

2021475 Default Namespace is displayed in Additional NameSpace Decla

2012523 Tracer View is not pointing to current execution element

2305147 issue related to binding of LoadInput command in tracer

2319665 Refresh issue when project is closed in Project Navigator

2800409 Unable to copy error stack trace from error dailog

2619563 Issue in logical view

2051673 MF Several Pic clauses cause error when doing a field edit.

2802757 ColumnName is truncated while editing salesforce BizView

1827132 xa:boundary attribute issue

1982735 Cannot select elements with namespaces in Path Tool

2803721 Installing Salesforce leaves old .jars in dynamic

1916739 JMX console issue

2095823 Copybook converters are not configurable for wizards

2803845 Service Editor generates recursive call

2128192 Issue related to invalid attribute in LDAP Delete

2128381 Issue related to xa:request_type in LDAP Templates

2800792 PAT no longer allows adding jar (or zip) file

2562474 Batch Mode does not substitute frag_set values correctly

2494212 Attributes and elements are missing from userconfig colors l

2569126 Set XML Path... incorrect for SQL BC results

2633817 Salesforce on TOMCAT - servlet XAServlet threw exception

2568861 Issue with starting jboss server in linux

2678080 Exception while executing copybook example

2666272 xa:batch when used on SQL does not operate like xa:sql_batch

2584761 Find mapped Elements is not working on editing the target

2645840 Oracle CLOB fails

2574299 Data Source Explorer - connect with oracle10g returns error

2722134 Contextually correct help not appearing for File Service wiz

2636883 Issue with edit input parameter in service wizard

2738197 SOAP Wizard fails when there are 2 opers with the same name

2346954 bin\BizDoc.cmd help is incorrect

2592766 Auto Map is not working correctly In MultiFormat

2592147 Issue with editing the source in copybook after mappings

2563336 Issue with right click options after drag n drop

2665005 Issue with creating sql service

2799385 Exception is logged to errorlog for every BizComp creation

2797306 Issue with displaying of path button in sql service editor

2792054 Issue with Outsteaming when swith case is applied in bizdocB

2787898 Unable to read http connector Host and Port default paramete

2792383 Issue with select clob data insert from file in servlet mode

2770220 Issuw with accessing BizComp result from outside the xa:loop

2727839 Issue with File write XML service wizard

2727839 Service Wizard/Editor doesn't work in subfolders

2727839 Refresh issue in outline view when bizcomp is edited through

2727839 Issue with Export execute Result

2727839 xa:producer in help references MQ BizComp

2727839 BizFile (and XML Bizview) not pretty printed

2727839 Issue with execution of BizView contain parent to multiple c

2727839 Issue with delete salesforce BizView execution

2727839 SQL Automation testcases failing with syntax error.

2727839 Issue wiht outline display on selecting bizcomp

Posted by T. Ferguson 2009-06-16

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