
XAware 5.3 GA

Released February 17, 2009 - SVN build

We're pleased to present XAware 5.3 GA, which is currently delivered with the following new features and updates:
* An improved Salesforce BizComponent wizard to support batches for inserts and selects.
* An updated BizDocument wizard to create services from WSDLs as another way to implement contract-first design methods.
* A server-only install outside the install4j line of installers.
* Support for aliases on BizView files, to allow user-friendly names of services.
* The Project Navigator now opens with a logical project view, allowing easy navigation of BizView file dependencies.
* The Project Navigator now opens with a logical view, showing the call hierarchy of XAware components and allowing easy navigation of BizView files.
* Updated install scripts to automatically define the classpath based on JARs.
* Salesforce joins are now supported using manual modifications to the request. Instructions and examples are included in the Designer Help.

Note: Recent changes to the Salesforce BizComponent request and response elements are not backward compatible. We recommend using the Edit BizComponent feature to update any Salesforce BizComponents you have in your current services.

Defects and Workarounds

- Selecting Cancel on a SQL wizard causes the application to crash (1874924). This issue is on Linux only, and it was verified in SUSE Enterprise Desktop 10; however, the stack trace indicates the problem is in the gtk code, which is part of the gnome desktop. This problem is not with XAware, and using SUSE 10 with gde 2.12.2 or Fedora 9 with gde 2.22.3 works just fine.
- Selecting Finish causes crash (2490537). This issue is with Linux only, and the stack trace indicates the problem is in the gtk code, which is part of the gnome desktop. This problem is not with XAware, and using SUSE 10 with gde 2.12.2 or Fedora 9 with gde 2.22.3 works just fine. An upgrade to SUSE 11.1, which has gde 2.24 also eliminates the problem.

In addition, you'll find the following updates on

* Updated wikis for deploying instructions.
* Updated FAQs

Current Bug Count
Open - 155
Closed - 541
Total - 696

Posted by T. Ferguson 2009-02-18

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