
Xastir APRS/Mapping Client 1.9.2 (stable) released

Xastir-1.9.2 (stable) has been released. Xastir is an open-source mapping and amateur radio APRS client which runs on a variety of platforms, supporting 125 map formats and seven languages.

Xastir can be used as a moving map program, as a tool for search and rescue operations, or as an amateur radio APRS tracking application. It can track tens of thousands of moving objects at a time. It is capable of tiling maps side-by-side or overlaying vector maps on top of vector and raster maps to create custom map stack-ups. It enables use of internet-based mapping servers or local map data and can combine multiple map sources into one map view.

The new release can be found here:

While the latest development snapshot is here:


Posted by Curt Mills 2007-11-06

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