
#364 program doesn't recognize when input from wx station stopped


Xastir doesn't recognize when the weather station (in
this case a Ultimeter 2100) stopped sending information
to it. The interface is still "up" in xastir but the cable
has physically been removed. Xastir is still transmitting
weather data as if it were current when in fact it's over
a day old.

The program needs to realize after a specified amount of
time (60 seconds?) that it hasn't received any new
data, thus it should cease sending out weather data.


  • Matthew Werner

    Matthew Werner - 2005-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    This also appears to happen if you "stop" the wx interface in
    xastir. As long as xastir is set to output wx packets it will
    use whatever old data that it had obtained, no matter how
    old it was.

  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2005-03-18

    Logged In: YES

    In order to do this correctly we probably need to have a
    time value for each weather item (in case one or two sensors
    break, but the rest keeps going) and each field invalid
    after a period of time. That way the station will still
    transmit, but the fields will be "..."

    Another option would be to have one global time value, tweak
    it if ANY weather data comes in on any sensor, and blank out
    all fields if we don't get any weather data. This doesn't
    handle the broken sensor problem, but it does handle
    complete failure of the weather station or the serial link.
    Much easier to code as well.

  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2005-09-09

    Logged In: YES

    Yet another option, and perhaps easier to implement: After each set of
    weather packet transmissions, blank the weather data we have. This
    solves the broken sensor and the broken WX link problem in one shot.
    What it doesn't give us is a proper local display, as the weather values
    would be blank right after each transmission.

  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2006-08-23

    Logged In: YES

    A bunch of tweaks by Clay Jackson, N7QNM, were committed a
    while back. Have they fixed this problem?

  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2023-07-08
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)
  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2023-07-08

    The Xastir project no longer uses sourceforge for issue tracking and I am closing all open issues (all of which are very old).

    If this issue is still important, please open a new one on


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