
#252 GPS30 Destination address shows improper symbol

Curt Mills

Destination addresses like GPSMV show the proper
symbol, but GPS30 does not. Also test GPS30 with an
overlay if possible.

It appears that GPSC30, GPSE30, SYMS09 and SPCS09 are
not displayed per spec either.

Also, if an NMEA posit is received with an SSID of 0, a
dot is shown where the spec specifies that no symbol
should be shown. This is incorrect per the spec, but
probably better for SAR purposes as that's the smallest
symbol that can be displayed using the SSID method.


  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2004-05-28

    Logged In: YES

    db.c:id_callsign is one routine which needs to be fixed, but
    it is only called from the RMC/GGA/GLL routines. It
    probably needs to be called from additional places, plus it
    needs to have the hex decode symbol code added.

  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2005-03-18

    Logged In: YES

    Make sure this GPS30 stuff isn't deprecated in the latest
    spec before attempting to fix this bug.

  • Curt Mills

    Curt Mills - 2005-10-27

    Logged In: YES

    Turns out that GPS30 as listed in the spec is a typo. It
    should be GPSE30. GPSC30 or GPSE30 would be valid, but
    GPS30 is not.

  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2023-07-08
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)
  • Tom Russo

    Tom Russo - 2023-07-08

    The Xastir project no longer uses sourceforge for issue tracking and I am closing all open issues (all of which are very old).

    If this issue is still important, please open a new one on


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