
X Application Server System / News: Recent posts

XASS 0.51 released

It's just a code-cleanup, but still worth using just to help out in testing ;)

Posted by Malcolm Smith 2003-01-05

XASS 0.50 released

This release includes significant bugfixes and security enhancements, as well as failure fallback, prioritisation, true load balancing, some switches, and better reporting. Servers can be configured to not offer when under load or when too many instances of a user/group/application are running; names are used instead of numbers, and applnk directory trees can be shared dynamically.

Feedback encouraged.

Posted by Malcolm Smith 2002-11-28

XASS 0.42 released

This release incorporates syslogging, ability to daemonise properly, port configurability, application arguments support, and argument/environment substitution. That, combined with general bug fixes, Autoconf 2.53 compatibliity and a new troubleshooting guide, headline this new release.

Feedback always welcome, and downloads available from

Posted by Malcolm Smith 2002-10-29