
#12 Integrated Wine

Ryan Lester

It would be nice if Vixta were bundled with Wine, which was integrated with the OS as well as possible, as well as themed the same way, so that Windows applications don't look any different than native applications. Also, if it's possible, it'd be awesome if an Xfce version were released with the same effects, or at least as close as possible. Other suggestions: x64 version and text installer. (I haven't yet used Vixta, so I don't know if it already has any of this.)


  • apsantos

    apsantos - 2007-10-06

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    in agenda!
    soon as possible!

  • Ryan Lester

    Ryan Lester - 2007-10-06

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    "in agenda!
    soon as possible!"

    Awesome! Also, I recommend Wine Doors, and maybe other Wine addons out there (however, Wine Doors' site says it's for GNOME). Also, I found a site with some really nice Vista themes: (you probably already know this, but you can set Windows themes in Wine with the command winecfg).

  • apsantos

    apsantos - 2007-10-08

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    Wine: in agenda!
    soon as possibel

  • SourceForge Robot

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    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
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  • Ryan Lester

    Ryan Lester - 2007-10-23

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    Just saw this on Digg: use Winefix!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    yeaaaa you have the reanso

  • hawake

    hawake - 2007-11-11

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    I quote you :)
    But I remember you that GNU/Linux isn't Windows, GNU/Linux is BETTER than Windows! ;)

  • SimonTek27

    SimonTek27 - 2007-11-12

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    Hi m8s i'm new about Linux
    I'd like to know how DX9 apps runs in wine, could i run windows games?

    excuse me if the question seems stupid :)

  • Ryan Lester

    Ryan Lester - 2007-11-12

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    Depends on the game you want to run. Check here to see how well your specific game runs in Wine: If you have no luck with Wine, you can try Cedega, which is designed for gaming (but costs money). Here's the Cedega supported games list: If all else fails, there's always the option of dual booting.

  • SimonTek27

    SimonTek27 - 2007-11-12

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    thanks m8 are listed :)
    so Cedega is payware and, for this reason, cannot be integrated?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    This is an Must to do !!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    must evey one loves widows programs on linux

  • Jacob

    Jacob - 2008-03-29

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    this would be great!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    WINE is certainly a necessity to free the users (and also the software houses) from being kept sequestered by a number of situations created by Micro$oft that violate the freedom and ownership of the programs used.
    The fact is that all these programs do not belong to M$ but M$ build it's Empire on an effective control over them... and wants to keep it that way! WINE is the most valid solution to the problem created to the Software houses and the users BY M$ to its own profit.

    About the look-and-feel of ViXta ...
    - For decades now M$ puts it's hand in whatever alien (to them) technology it can.
    M$ windows does just that and we cannot but smile with the introduction in the new look pseudo-new OS called Vista ... So many borrowed from several Linux Windows managers...
    - The Look ... is part of the problem... not because the niceness but because the aditiveness it causes on uses... and how it is used to identify what the users were CONDITIONED to accept as confortable and homy... People DO LOOK at "the looks" by conditioning... Such situation must be reversed for justice and fairness ,,, In this case is like painting someone to be accepted in the desired club.

    There are 2 aspects: Tecnological and Estetic.
    M$ 'borrows' from one (avoiding the reverse using the legal system) and manipulates the other.
    Both against public interest.

    This is my personal view of the matter.
    Make your own and make it wise!


    A reminder:
    Remember GEM from Digital research... killed by M$ threats of so-called 'legal' action against it... a foolish thing but able to destroi Digital Research even when it would won the process ... That was the treath: "You will win... but die in the process" (This is an example of how the so-called legal system is used to criminal ends... but that is another story)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Wine?Just uninstall it!


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