
HowTo Install Linux Vixta: root password

  • Alejandro Herrera

    Hello Evereybody

    I have a problem when install Vixta, i don´t have the password "root", a try put in "vixta" but doesn´t work.
    The root password must be at least six character long.
    any idea?.

    see this pictures.

    • Rafael Colomina

      Rafael Colomina - 2009-01-31

      ¿what is the vixta user password?

      • sal

        sal - 2009-02-01

        ther is not pass for root!

        in a console (terminal) just type "su" and "ENTER", after that you are root!

    • essenby

      essenby - 2008-07-17

      Unfortunately does not want me to see your pictures. However if you are using the Vixta 3D 090.0.1 Live CD simply enter "su" in a console and that will make you "root".

      If you are using the Live CD for Neon4 9.0.0, Simplis 9.0.1 or Vixta 3D 9.03, you can end the current session and log in as "root" with a password of "vixta"

      The LiveCD's auto logs in as "vixta" - why do you need the "root " password.

      • Alejandro Herrera

        Thanks Bro. It´s work for me.
        I have a neon4.En.DVD-9.0.0!
        I ended my current session and log in as "root" with a password of "vixta", then i can install it with out problems.


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