

  • gambais78

    gambais78 - 2008-01-09

    Hi all,
    I have a Dell computer with XP. Now, i'd love to have my computer look like vista, using the vixta. So I downloaded the <> file that I found on the "download tab" on Now i saved it on my desktop. And I have no clue what to do with it! (open it? it says it can't find the program on which to open the file...)
    I read all the forum posts, but there's absolutly nothing I understand.
    Help... :(

    • caper1965

      caper1965 - 2009-06-10

      Kinda gettin away from the Vixta source here but have you tried MicroSUCKS Windows 7. It is their new answer to all their bugs in Vista. I tried it for a bit and it looks like Vista but runs like XP. Try the VIXTA though and after working out the newbie user glitches, I think you will be pleased. I am.

    • astro

      astro - 2008-01-09

      Maybe a dumb question for some people now, but we all started with no knowledge.

      The ISO file is a disk image file, so it needs to be burned to a CD, or a DVD as its a bit big, look on the forum about that, personally I burned it to a DVD disk. I don't know what disk burning software you have, but I think Nero can handle ISO files.

      Then you boot the Dell computer with the DVD in, and make sure that the BIOS is set to boot from the DVD before the hard disk.

      There you go, you are running the Vixta flavor of Linux on your PC, it will be a bit slow for now as it reads everything from the disk but you'll get to see it working. Then when you realise how cool it is you can install it to your hard drive alongside your M$ system (always make sure you have a good backup of your data incase of problems). So when you boot you can have the choice of XP (rubbish OS) or Vixta.

      • shanawaj

        shanawaj - 2008-01-15

        vista is in a .iso format so first you have to burn it on a CD or a DVD using nero or virtual cd. after buring the Image file then restart you ur computer and change bios setting like BOOT PRIORITY and set to cd rom and save the change. Insert the Vista CD/DVD and select vista to boot then the vista os will start.......................... ok

        • Lee Wilson

          Lee Wilson - 2008-02-02

          eh we fergot to tell them that they Need to use NNERo or sme thing that reads the iso data do be burned , ALSO BIG hint, Use a lower speed for burning, it will save time and headaches of a bad burn which can result in some eh nasty situations.

          So get Nero or use the CD DVD burning OS that came with you PC it could range form anything to roxio and such to Nero.
          once you have that up find where you down loaded the ISO at and make sure you do a save to disk, (should something go ary with the burnn you can make another disk,) then once you have located the file you down loaded through the Pull down menu of your ISO Project in theis case Vixta, you click on that Iso a menu will come up and select the lowest possible speed to burn to Usual 14- 24x is about right.

          the reason for the low speed? that is a heck of a lot of data and your delaing wiht a spinning mirror, and a laser , and a plastic shelidlding to protect taht layer, and some time fast speeds will vibrate the cd and well weird things happen, also some DVD/and cd/roms have a higher data loss rate whenn spinning at a higher speed.atoring Music and other forms of data maybe ok ant the higher speeds but ISO immages, are real finkiky.

          I lost a few burns do to a small flaw and scratch that has occuerd in the DVD and cd roms, the Lower speed gives the laser a better chance at over coming this. well at least in MHO My humble opinion.

          Oh , Here's something happend to me totally un related..
          I placed a CD in the rom to burn, it spead up then it sounded like a .25 caliber went off, My cd rom thre a bearing shorted out somethiat controlld the speed, the Cd rom began to viberate as it became unblallnec and it eh um..exploded...

          should have taken pics and loaded it up to the web lol...stuff like that can hppen and its verry rare
          Well I hope my long windeness helped ya


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