
Installing software

  • Juan Carlos Villarreal

    Hello, I'm new in Linux and I don't know how to install software in Vixta. Can you help me?

    • apsantos

      apsantos - 2009-03-10
      1. just click on the desktop icon "Add Software".
      2. put the name of the application do you want and whait for the proposal.
      3. click in the applications of you choice.
      4. ckick in the apply bouton.
    • caper1965

      caper1965 - 2009-06-10

      I'm a newbie also and did some googling on the topic and as the previous reply indicates - I'll try to explain a bit more in detail from what I can recall.
      As above, you go to the "Add/Remove Software" where you refresh the list or just do a search for the keyword and it will bring up a list of both installed and available software. You can also go to independant (Reputable) Repository sites that have software and download it from there. Once downloaded into a specified forlder, you can use the Software Manager (Add/Remove Software) to find the program and install. What I like about Vixta(Linux) is that once you pick the program to install or uninstall, it automatically downloads (if you don't have it) and then installs it (or removes it) without annoying prompts for your input. The only prompt you will get is a request for a "Root" password.
      I like it so far.


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