
Install Vixta Aeros 3D trough LAN

  • camcal

    camcal - 2009-05-27


    I have a network with 3 PCs, and i want to install vixta in one of them but the machine doesn't have a DVD room, i already tried using a USB but the BIOS doesn't allow to boot from it.

    I've search on the web a way to install vixta on LAN but so far no luck, just only for other distros.

    Is there a way to install vixta on a machine that doesn't have a DVD room or is there a CD version.

    • sal

      sal - 2009-05-27

      there is a Live CD release:

      PS: to fit it in a CD, you must activate the "over burn" option!

      • camcal

        camcal - 2009-05-27


        First i want to thank you for your answer because when i went to that link before i just downloades de DVD version and didn't notice the CD one.

        And second i wonder what is the big diference between the DVD version and the CD one.

        • sal

          sal - 2009-05-27

          the diference is just the amount of applications!

    • camcal

      camcal - 2009-05-28


      Now my problem is other, i burned the CD version with different speeds (16x and 24x), and test them in 3 PCs but in none of them it loads Vixta.

      When i boot in command line it says that there are bad sectors, but it looks that it's the iso image because when i burned the iso i checked de verify written data and it finishes correctly.

      At this poin i'll try whith Simplis, even when i have read that it's a very poor version of the original Vixta.

      • sal

        sal - 2009-05-28


        i had a similar problem loog time a go... i have changed the CDR to a new one and i will manage to boot.

        by the way, i have just now uploaded a new vixta release...


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