
Language support

  • goodness

    goodness - 2007-10-11

    will it support mult language like Chinese or Japanese ?

    • Nemo

      Nemo - 2007-12-21

      I can help in russian translation

    • sal

      sal - 2007-10-13

      we will need help for that language

    • gertsch

      gertsch - 2007-10-15

      when will there be an german language package?

    • Nadina

      Nadina - 2007-10-15

      Hello, serious very good to do a version in Spanish ... for this I offer my help in the translation, am been charmed with in helping.

      Entre Ríos - Argentina

    • nomoo

      nomoo - 2007-10-18

      I can help with russian translation.

    • thenenea

      thenenea - 2007-10-29

      I could help with Romanian translation but I'm going to need some support as my knowledge of UNIX/Linux is limited. Please let me know if I can help.

    • none

      none - 2007-10-31

      hello everybody !!!!!!!!it would be great a spanish verion!!!!!!
      I can help with the translation
      seria muy bueno una version en español

      • snitram

        snitram - 2007-10-31

        it allready exists!

        Best Regards.

    • Enrico

      Enrico - 2007-11-10

      Hi all. I'm italian and i can help with the italian translation of Vixta. I can translate the common words but i'm not good in technical terms, so someone should help me.

    • Marco Costa

      Marco Costa - 2007-11-24

      Hi all!! I can help for portuguese translations!
      I'm brasilian, live in São Paulo, my job is programmer C++, C#, Java, Oracle etc...
      This is my first message here.



    • astro

      astro - 2007-11-26

      My wife can speak some German and she does what I tell her (God I hope she never reads this).

      How do I go about helping with translating to German for gertsch.

    • nador2

      nador2 - 2007-12-08

      i need czech version !!! :-) ... or slovak or polish :-) .. thanx you very much :-)


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