
Installer not working

  • jed

    jed - 2007-10-09

    I am trying to install vixta with the latest version as of 10-5-07 on an emachine M6805 laptop. The wireless controller is a broadcom which I know has caused problems in the past with other linux distros. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get it up and running? Also, when I am running off of the cd and click on the install icon in the home directory, nothing happens and I get this error message. Any ideas?

    [vixta@vixta ~]$ ./liveinst.desktop
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 1: [Desktop: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 2: Utility: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 2: X-Red-Hat-Base: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 2: X-Fedora: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 2: GNOME: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 2: GTK: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 3: o: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 4: o: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 11: no: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 12: no: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 19: X-DCOP-ServiceType=: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 20: X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.12: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 21: X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false: command not found
    ./liveinst.desktop: line 22: X-KDE-Username=: command not found

    • apsantos

      apsantos - 2007-10-09

      you must try it with the 094 +


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