
Source code?

Paul Wise
  • Paul Wise

    Paul Wise - 2007-10-19

    Where can we download the source code? I can't find any, seems like a GPL violation to me.

    • trailboss

      trailboss - 2008-03-11

      What are all the apps needed to put the Vista theme on a KDE distro?

    • trailboss

      trailboss - 2008-08-02

      nobody talking anymore about the theme? Well I tested a distro with the Vista theme and it's debian based. Famelix is the name and it's pretty good. I still use Mandriva tho.

    • cosmic665

      cosmic665 - 2007-10-20

      Download source code? What's the point? Looking at Vixta from a virtual machine at a glance the command prompt clearly states Fedora Core 7. Vixta isn't hiding anything from you! In fact the WM being used is KDE tweaked out to look like vista. That's It. You could easily same the window manager theme and go ahead and copy it over to your favorite distro (which better not be ubuntu).

      • Jethro Borsje

        Jethro Borsje - 2007-10-26

        How can I best go about copying the theme to my favorite distro? Being: Mandriva with KDE....

        • Justin Breithaupt

          Actually I already did. I took the theme and extracted it from Vixta and applied it to Ultumix.

          • Big_dog_daddy

            Big_dog_daddy - 2007-12-02
    • mr-smile

      mr-smile - 2007-10-31

      why not ubuntu?
      Because the non-kde desktop or debian?
      When the style is the only thing is changed, where is the problem to upload (only) the style?

    • trailboss

      trailboss - 2007-11-30

      I feel the same way, I think Mandriva is better suited for the base. I even suggested they use Mandriva or MCNlive as the base. Both are one cd distro's and the best rpm distro's I have tested. People keep saying Ubuntu this or that, Ubuntu is not near as good as Mandriva or MCNlive, it's still playing catch up, Ubuntu is not even the best Debian based distro. I always thought is was because thats all I read, but after doing my on testing of over 50 distro's I found out for myself, what distro's are easy loading, user friendly, stable and so on. I would like to have the Vixta theme on either Mandriva or MCNlive.

    • romgen

      romgen - 2007-12-30
      1. The guy has no idea of linux.

      2. Mandriva is totally lame. It's asking you every 5 seconds if you want to buy this or that codec. No thanks. Best is Fedora / Ubuntu or e.g. Sabayon as an KDE distro.

      Greetings and nice work!

    • trailboss

      trailboss - 2007-12-30

      Mandriva is not lame. Ubuntu sucks big d _ _ _ You think just because they send it to you free,,, it's the best? they can't even get it working right. Ubuntu users are Zombies,, Debian sucks too. Ubuntu is not even the best Debian based. Mepis or Dreamlinux is better and a few others. Mepis (Warren)has helped them with their OS and it still sucks, he's not gonna tell them everything. I tested over 60 different distro builds and ubuntu is not in my top 10. You say Fedora rocks, it's good but not better than Mandriva or Suse or MCNlive, they are all from Redhat base, and yes Redhat base is #1.
      Vixta is good to most because of the theme. It's not as good as Mandriva or MCNlive, not trying to say it won't get better, but it's new. You want this theme,,go get it on kde themes, thats all it is. If you got kde on your OS you can put this theme on it, as far as the rest of the system, he got alot of work ahead of Vista. I Vista has the same going for it as Ubuntu, a edge,,,Ubuntu got cd's to your mailbox and Vixta is giving you the Vista theme,,,,so now you say Vista is the best,,,,your lame!!!
      I have spoken

      If the maker of Vista was to reply here,,he would say,,,,i'm right!!!

    • Gold

      Gold - 2008-01-08


      With a childish reply like that you're doing more harm to your argument than good.

      You may have spoken but I doubt anyone is listening any more.


    • trailboss

      trailboss - 2008-01-09

      I don't see how 'm doing any harm? It seems people like the Vista theme and so do I. Me saying they can get the theme on kde themes and put it on their favorite distro is not doing harm. Vixta is not the best RPM distro out there right now. Why load it if it's not ready, when you can put the Vista theme on Mandriva, MCNlive or PClinuxOS, which are all RPM based distros. I don't care if anyone listens, it's the truth! Every week, it seems like a new Distro come out and most don't change a whole lot, other than the name. It's not saying, they are all junk or bad, it's just a angle. Vixta's angle is the theme, but the base is not near complete as the Theme. I was only saying, using the base from a solid distro is a good thing. Vixta wants to do their own build up from Fedora, and thats a good thing too. But if you are linux savvy and not a newbie and can install apps, anyone can have a more usable distro with more apps on their linux desktop, by using a base like those stated by me. I would say in 3 maybe 4 more releases from the Vixta team, they will have a solid distro for everyone. I don't know who you are (gold) but one thing the Vixta team have to fix, is the file size on disks. Will it be a 1 cd or 2 cd distro? Right now, there is not alot of apps and 1 cd is now maXed. Compression has to be on their list of to-do's. I'm sure they will get this fixed, because it's being done now, on other distro's
      Happy New Year Everyone!!!

      fine print:
      I am not a programmer or act as such, read this at your own risk as I am not liable for any statements listed above.

    • astro

      astro - 2008-01-09

      Gold/unifex you're right, I didn't read his long and I'm sure boring reply as its from him.


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