

  • Jon

    Jon - 2007-10-05

    This whole 'vixta' looks very interesting, but I've just gotta ask the question, can it run games? I'm not talkin' flash-based games, I'm talkin like Source games, Warcraft, Unreal, etc. Games are the only reason I'm still using windows...

    • Fabio Dias

      Fabio Dias - 2008-02-19

      Just like Arceliar´s comment

    • apsantos

      apsantos - 2007-10-06

      yes and no ....

      there must be some work to achieve this....

      and it can't fit on a CD!

      • Jon

        Jon - 2007-10-09

        well i know it can't all fit on a cd, but as apsantos said there must be some work to achieve this. Is said work on my end?

    • kalyok

      kalyok - 2007-10-09

      Make two CDs or one DVD!

      I'm really fine as long as it works perfect!

    • Arceliar

      Arceliar - 2007-10-15

      Short answer: kinda

      WINE (Wine Is Not An Emulator) can be used to run some Windows games (I use it for WoW all the time, and there's a gaming-specific offshot called cedega) but there's no way to directly run Windows programs. It's really up to the developers to port a game to another platform, and while WINE can 'fake it' perfectly well for some things, it's not a real solution.

    • Fabio Dias

      Fabio Dias - 2008-02-19

      Much more Simple use "Cedega" [From TransGaming]


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