
XAMP Base / News: Recent posts

Beta released


After long months of development we are pleased to present the beta version of XAMP. Now it has more capacity, he is stable and easier to install.

But still no examples, and documentation.
We promise to make them soon :-)

Posted by Marat Dyatko 2009-05-27

How are we do

The development of a stable alpha version of the XAMP is in full swing.

Now four people do the following:
1. Renounces using of the library SimpleXML and turn to the DOM XML
2. Create a utility management MySQL
3. Developing installation tool (html-coding is ready)
4. Create a site design and write documentation

Also looking for a man who will translate php-source code into the language of C, so we have been compiled CGI-library.... read more

Posted by Marat Dyatko 2008-10-21

XAMP is started!

During next week we will hard work for presentation first alpha version.

In our plans make:
- examples (mini-CMS)
- gui (for installation and configs edit)
- documentation (English and Russian).

Posted by Marat Dyatko 2008-10-10