
Tree [4e5af7] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 controller 2010-01-15 marat marat [4e5af7] - Small bugfixes
 model 2009-08-03 Marat Dyatko Marat Dyatko [fe7bed] Many fixes and restructure
 view 2009-08-03 Marat Dyatko Marat Dyatko [dc5325] Clean up-2
 README 2009-12-22 marat marat [f237c3] Merge branch 'master' of git@...:vectart...

Read Me

-- Lighttpd Server configuration ---------------------------------------------

Place this code to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:

server.modules	+=( "mod_rewrite", "mod_redirect" )
url.redirect	= ( "^([^\.^\?]+?[^\/])?(\?.*)?$" => "$1/$2" )
url.rewrite	= ( "^/([^\.^\?]+/)?(\?.*)?$" => "/controller/xamp.php$2" )

-- Apache Server configuration -----------------------------------------------

Place this code to .htaccess in root host directory 
or (in some cases) virtual host configuration file:

DirectoryIndex controller/xamp.php

RewriteEngine  On
RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_FILENAME}     !-d
RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_FILENAME}     !-s
RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_FILENAME}     !-l

RewriteRule    ^([^\.]+\/)?$   controller/xamp.php [L,QSA]