
xajax PHP and Javascript library / News: Recent posts

It's...... xajax 0.2.5

It's been just over one year since we released our last version of xajax and it was about time we released another version. Work on v0.5 has been going well and we're almost ready for a release, but there were a few things that couldn't wait for the next version. Thats where xajax 0.2.5 steps in. For a start, we're getting things ready for you to move over to the new xajax v0.5 syntax by letting you use easier to use methods to respond to client requests. We've also fixed up a few bugs that have been lingering around and been annoying everyone for some time. Last but not least, we've fixed up a couple of important security vunerabilities.... read more

Posted by Eion Robb 2007-05-19

Sweet treat: xajax 0.2.4

We're happy to announce the release of xajax 0.2.4. It's like having a sweet treat: just a yummy little something to tide you over until the next big meal. Yes, work on xajax 0.5 has already begun, and it will soon be under heavy development, but in the meantime, enjoy 0.2.4. It fixes a couple of minor issues and offers a few new goodies -- the most exciting of which is a way to call a Javascript function from PHP and pass data structures like strings, arrays, and event object properties to that function without any need to specially format anything. It's kind of like JSON,'s XML instead. You'll love it.... read more

Posted by Jared White 2006-04-22

xajax 0.2.3 released

We're pleased to report that xajax 0.2.3 is out (0.2.2 was a "silent" release), fixing a lot of the problems people have been having with character encoding. A whole bunch of code was refactored pertaining to charsets and encoding/decoding functions, and at this point we think xajax is one of the best solutions available for international users and PHP.

Read about the changes here: read more

Posted by Jared White 2006-03-21

xajax 0.2.1 released

We're pleased to announce that xajax 0.2.1 is ready for download. A lot of esoteric but annoying bugs have finally been squashed, the Javascript include mechanism has been greatly improved (including the fact that xajax.js is now included in the zip download), and even a few new features have been added.
See here for more details:

Also, a new core developer has joined the xajax project: Eion Robb (better known as BigBrownChunx). He's been an active member of the community for some time already, so it was a natural fit. Thanks Eion for helping us out!... read more

Posted by Jared White 2006-03-04

xajax version 0.2 stable is now released

We're very pleased to present to you a major upgrade to xajax featuring a number of new features, under-the-hood improvements, and bugfixes.

Some highlights include: object support for registered functions, support for registering functions in external PHP files, pre-function and catch-all function support, optional error handling, a heavily refactored Javascript engine, a huge number of interactive tests, and improved control over character encoding.... read more

Posted by Jared White 2005-12-29

New xajax forums & project leader

My name is Jared White, and I'm very excited to announce that I've been assigned as a new project manager and lead developer for xajax. I've also set up a new forums system, and you can read all about these new developments on that site:

See you there!


Posted by Jared White 2005-10-28

xajax version 0.1 beta4 released

xajax is an open source PHP class library that allows you to easily create powerful, web-based, Ajax applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Applications developed with xajax can asynchronously call server-side PHP functions and update content without reloading the page.

The latest version of xajax introduces some great new functionality and fixes some important bugs.

New Functionality:

* You can now asynchronously pass single and multidimensional arrays and associative arrays from javascript as parameters to your PHP functions. Additionally, if you pass in a javascript object as a parameter, the php function will receive an associative array representing the properties of the object.... read more

Posted by J. Max Wilson 2005-07-12