

  • andrew dickinson

    I have been developing an app in .NET C# that calls Xaira1.25 API.
    I have been having moderate success developing withVisualStudio 2008 on 32-bit Windows XP.
    I now have to develop and deploy in Windows7 64-bit and am having some troubles.

    For example - on my 32-bit XP machine, when I call getServer@CXairoImplementation, I get a good CXairoInterface pointer returned, which I then use to get a Solution, then Hits etc.

    On the 64-bit machine, using the same code built on the 64-bit machine (with x86 option, not x64), it returns a null pointer.

    Also - on my 32-bit machine, I am able to step into the Xaira-server C++ code and figure out problems (although that's with xaira 1.14, I haven't managed to compile/link the source of xaira server 1.25, I'm using the 1.25 dll); but in the 64-bit machine, it won't step into the source.

    I realize that 64-bit is out of the remit of current Xaira, but I would be very glad if anyone has any ideas.

    Thank you
    Andy Dickinson

  • andrew dickinson

    things are getting better:
    1) silly me. I had an incorrect path in my CXairoIParameters structure I passed to getServer.
    That was the problem with the null pointer return. Then it fell over in getText…
    2) in getText I had to change some marshalling from a .LPWSTR return to a IntPtr return, and then do a Marshal.PtrToStringAuto to get the string


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