
compiling on osx?

  • Chris Miner

    Chris Miner - 2010-06-04

    I followed your INSTALL notes and got stuck at step one.  After unpacking, I typed ./configure at the command line.  That ended with the following error:
    configure: error: cannot find ICU headers

    I didn't get to the step where I get drink tea.  Also the complete instructions are not to be found at: as stated in the INSTALL file.

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2010-06-04

    Apologies for the poor state of documentation. It's not up to date and needs a careful tidying up. The error you report suggests that you don't have the ICU header files installed. On Debian, this means you haven't installed the icu-dev package, but what the equivalent under OS/X would be I'm afraid I don't know. Xaira has dependencies on icu and on xercesc and the best way to get these right seems to be to build both of them from source.


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