
x9wm Linux Explore the Future of 9wm extended

Hello and Good Cheer to All - Check here for latest. Check DEBIAN INSTALL GUIDE on Wheezy for how to tweak your install.

Nov 19 2013 - New Release "elysium" - Live-Mode with Graphical and Text Install now in a single iso image. Only 550 to 600 Meg Download. 32/64 Bit Distro. Live mode tips: user name "user" password "live" and select "x9wm from desktops" - now with conky integrated into desktop with x9wm usage tips built-right-in. Easy use on live and super easy install now. Use "wicd-client" from menu to configure network - select prefs - put in your Wireless / Wired NIC name - select your network - enter your key and your online - Now with full google-chrome preinstalled.

Nov 10, 2013

Nov 5, 2013

OK now we have a live Jessie Build (testing) of x9wm linux that requires no install. Just install to usb flash drive with unetbootin, LiveLinux or just copy with the following command under linux:
# cp debian.iso /dev/sdX - where sdX is the your flash drive /dev/sdb etc...
# sync

Now just boot your computer from the USB flash drive and viola instant x9wm linux - login with x9wm username and password x9wm. Enjoy! Note Google-Chrome (google-chrome in menu) has flash and codecs installed if you want to watch Youtube or flash movies.

Thank you for your interest in x9wm Linux and x9wm distraction free desktop.
Please note unless you have over 16Gig of RAM the live mode is not applicable.
Another release of just the x9wm desktop and a few tools will be available to address users that wish to use a live system to test. The current system is really focused on the full experience which can only be had with the full software suite (thus the install). Enjoy X9wm and if you wish install the deb package from gitHUB to test the window manager on your current linux distro.



Intended for REAL LINUX People that actually work on computers and thus requires a complete installation to evaluate. So you skilled Linux sys admin and programmer types will have NO PROBLEMS.

Like any real Debian Install from a network and disk requires 20 to 30 actual technical steps and is no way as simple a a 1-click installer - BUT then again how often do you run the installer vs. the actual distro you installed. Debian is the base of almost every major Linux distro - so why not install it in a vanilla state using the exact installation procedure that one would use to actually install and use an operating system in daily-use manner.


  • ggprotech

    ggprotech - 2013-11-08

    Welcome to the x9wm Linux Support Wiki -
    Here is the readme file. Below are some desktop interface screen shots.

    PLEASE USE THE SEARCH TOP LEFT to FIND WHAT YOU NEED. WE PUT UP INFORMATION and INSTALLATION / CONFIGURATION tips here so that you can find what you need quickly without going through alot of catagorys. Just use keywords like "network configuration" and "sound settings" and "how to change the menu" to find what you are looking for... thanks !

    x9wm Desktop Motivations
    After years of working on thousands of systems around the world x9wm was crafted out of opensource, public domain and MIT licensed code. x9wm has its roots in 9wm, 8-1/2, w9wm and code that came out of the Bell Labs plan 9 operating system project. One of the main goals was to create a real-estate free (as in it takes up NONE of my desktop visually to use) and it uses a standard set of operations with a standard three button mouse.

    In addition x9wm added a Left-mouse menu that was built-in and could edited on the fly (more features coming soon) and that placement and sizing could be rapid and smooth regardless of screen size. In addition to work in video and network operaitons multi-windows were a must and with standard window managers a lot of visual junk was interfering with a pure information interaction and viewing model.

    Various griding and placement options inlcuding use with mult-head setups that can be recalled is being contemplated to assure powerful instant information can be available at a single click

    x9wm Installation / Configuration Tips
    Note: Debian Live Installer is GUI based for systems with more than 4Gig RAM. For netbooks, laptops or older systems please select the Graphical Install option - and if that won't fly then it will fall-back to a text-mode install - Recommened to have at least 8 Gigs free space, Dual Core (PAE) Processor (ie ASUS EEE PC and above) will work on 686-PAE+, multi-core Intel i5,7, Amd64 bit machines also . For 64bit install AMD64 version.

    Also note if you have issues with your network settings then skip these steps in the install "configure network", "configure mirror" and you should be fine. Upon boot drivers to address all systems will be available

    After install edit /etc/sudoers as root user and add line:
    your-login-user-name ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
    the username is the one you created when you installed the system. Please note your root and username passwords - you will need them to customize the system. The above live will enable all root access menu items - enjoy! (more install tips soon). In addition menu is editable in in the menu itself (JOE editor is default - you can change to VIM or SubLime3, LeafPad... which is located in /usr/share/x9wm/x9wm.config.

    After you login the first time - you will need to do a few things that we will note here so that your system will be ready for use and you can start settings up x9wm for your personal needs.

    First Add mirrors by editing the file as "root" (ie "su -" to get root) then edit the file using jstar,joe,vim or ed add the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb wheezy main contrib non-free
    deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

    Now type as root "apt-get update" to populate the mirror and apt database. You now can install any Wheezy debian stable software you need.
    Menu items are scripts in /usr/share/x9wm/bin - which are based on aterm for command-line stuff or call-out any program in the system with custom environment settings or root access with ease to create your own 1-click to what-ever you need with out any distractions or extra window manager bloat. Enjoy a simple, clean, distraction free window environment and get stuff done. x9wm has been used for years by private admins in some top establishments (we can't say who -this public version will address that). Be creative in making your menus and scripts and enjoy yourself in x9wm. I know that I do.

    Best - Joseph Altea


    Last edit: ggprotech 2013-11-08
  • ggprotech

    ggprotech - 2013-11-20

    new logo


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